Fuyuki Li



2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Fuyuki Li
Nickname: Yuki
Name meaning: winter, snow

Age: 18-19

Ethnicity: Japanese-Chinese

Height: 6'0 ft (183 cm)

Birthday: January 15
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese

Personality: Fuyuki has a cool, off-standish personality. He takes everything seriously, and doesn't tend to joke around. He's smart and a reasonable thinker, always thoroughly thinking things through before he acts. He cares for his friends, but often views them as idiots due to their chaotic behavior. 

Likes: Reading, studying, school, sleeping
Dislikes: Loud rooms, crowds, being interrupted / disturbed, heat

Extra Facts:
- Fuyuki was born in China, but moved to the states in elementary school.
- He met and befriended Chase and Veralyn in the 4th grade
- He's from a wealthy family
- He's fluent in three languages, and can easily pick up others if he reviews for a bit
- His father taught him how to use a handgun
- He prefers the cold weather, and really dislikes the heat
- He excelled in school, and graduated on top of his class
- Despite his appearance, he often hangs out on the streets with Veralyn and Chase, and tends to get wrapped up into their trouble
- He doesn't really like being called Yuki, but Veralyn and Chase will call him that to tease him.
- His favorite color is blue