Birdy LaPointe



2 years, 4 months ago



Age 28
Pronouns SHE/HER
Height 6' 5"
Build TANK


  • training
  • a hearty meal
  • animals
  • routine


  • wine
  • social functions
  • being underestimated
  • cleaning




I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success. When she encounters a problem, she goes through it, not around it. She's big enough that this usually works.
Despite my noble status, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. She pays the highest respect to her employer and charge, but she will always treat you politely.


Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity. As a former commoner and soldier, Birdy has seen many different walks of life. Everyone has something to teach you; everyone has their own boat in the storm. She respects that.
Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. She enters every combat expecting that if it comes down to it, she will die before she lets Ophelia be hurt.


I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. She took great pride and found her purpose protecting first goats, then merchants, and now a princess of her very own.
My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering. Good luck peeling her away from Ophelia. Ever.


I hold grudges and have difficulty forgiving others. Birdy is not one to forget a slight easily. If you manage to weather the storm long enough to earn her forgiveness, she will give it unconditionally, but even starting to convince her that you deserve it is difficult.
I become exceedingly flirtatious when inebriated. ... She doesn't drink much any more after some... incidents... during her service with the Flaming Fist.


She is built extremely large and tall. The woman is over six feet tall, and as if that isn't enough, she's also strong as hell. She's more lithe than some of her comrades, but she still weighs nearly 200 pounds — all muscle, thank you very much. She dresses simply, but is always prepared for a fight.

Are you done yet, have you had enough?

Birdy LaPointe, nee Tupper, has always considered herself lucky to have parents that married for love. Certainly, the opportunity was only afforded them by her mother's status as the fourth daughter of a baron in Lord Durinbold's court, but she was well-fed, kept in clothes despite her tendency to swiftly and consistently outgrow them in a month, and taught to read and write. She was more than happy to care for her family's fine goat herd. When she was small, it was rare to see her with her feet on the ground as opposed to bouncing against the sides of a resigned goat suckered into a game of Brave Steed Carrying The Chivalrous And Heroic Knight.

Know you've got something in your blood

Because from age three, Birdy insisted that she would one day be a knight. Her mother sighed and called it a phase, but the older, taller, and stronger Birdy grew, the more they collectively considered it. Once she started hitting her head on door frames regularly at the age of just fourteen, they sent her packing to her grandfather's house to see what she could do.

They can kick you, they can beat you

The stoic and obedient Birdy flourished in the ranks of the Flaming Fist. Weapons training finally gave her something to do with her gangly, oversized limbs, and when her talent for riding trained horses (as opposed to irritable goats) shone through, she was swiftly promoted to the cavalry.

But your heart belongs to love

In the winter of her twenty-third year, Lord Durinbold held a tournament open to any citizen of Baldur's Gate, and Birdy, seeing her chance at a title, was the first to sign up. With her trusty glaive by her side, she went completely undefeated and shocked the Lord when she turned down a heavy purse in exchange for a low-ranking title as a Knight LaPointe of his lands.

Oh, you're a warrior

She was surprised she was approached by Ophelia of the infamously... closed-minded... Von Cremont elves, but she accepted immediately and joyously. How could she turn down such a dream job — lady's maid and bodyguard to a real princess? Well, heiress, anyway. And one who treats her as a friend, not just a vassal! (And one who is rather pretty...) She has learned to ignore the pointed comments and looks from other members of the Von Cremont family. Whatever they may say, they can't contest the fact that Birdy will protect Ophie or die trying.



Ophelia Von Cremont [ ]

As an employer, Birdy respects her. She admires Ophie for her high goals and the actions she has taken against her father who, as we all know, is a huge bitch. As a friend, Birdy would really love to get to know her better, because she thinks she is a wonderful, creative dreamer of an individual, and she feels calmer just by spending time in conversation with her.


Second Name [ ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas arcu leo, euismod placerat ullamcorper a, tincidunt a sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In a dolor sed arcu placerat vestibulum.


Third Name [ ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas arcu leo, euismod placerat ullamcorper a, tincidunt a sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In a dolor sed arcu placerat vestibulum.

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