


2 years, 4 months ago


Her father was a powerful and accomplished spellsword. He became close friends with the royal family and though never formally employed, often took jobs for them.

After Edith was born, he decided to make her his disciple and passed everything he knew down to her. She enthusiastically embraced her role, and started joining him on jobs from a young age. 

Now that she's an adult, she has taken an official title as a spellsword and does the same work as her father before her. She takes great pride in her position and lineage, and does her best to uphold her father's values and techniques.

Much like her father, she isn't one to be bound by rules. Having such an esteemed background and quite a few accomplishments herself, she's learned what she can and can't get away with through a series of pushing the limits. She can and will call members of the royal family by their first name only. She is aggressively casual with everyone, regardless of position or status.