Grey's Orphanage ([Needs Name])



2 years, 8 months ago


Used to be a villain, he was attacked after being released from prison despite being reformed. He had done a lot of damage and cost many people their jobs. He tried to live a better life but kept getting harassed before it could go out of hand however, Grey had came to his rescue to told those harassing him off. They grew to feel distrustful of them. He wondered why they would bother with someone like him. Grey believed that everyone can change and is willing to help him with his second chance.

The reason why he turned to crime was because he needed to feed his family, but after getting caught he had nowhere else to go. Grey would like to help him get a job, compelled to ask, he asked them what they thought of the humans that don't do crime but are like those who harass and bully but have no consequences because they have connections.

Grey believed that in the past, they were corrupt rulers and the people would work together to overthrow them. But now that everyone has everything, the corruption seeped into the masses and they didn't believe that a lot of humans would do the same, even if after a while, when everyone is rich, everyone would be greedy.

These days Grey missed the old days where things were more simple. But as much as they want to, they can't change others, but they can remain the same themselves. Their core belief of equality, kindness and the people will not change.

This inspired him to help more people and uses his new job as a security guard to help others. He even once bodyguarded Symphony.