Isabelle Plathe



6 years, 6 months ago


Isabelle Plathe

Goin' with the Flow
Name Isabelle Plathe
Titles/Nicknames Isa, Belle, Bella
Gender/Pronouns Demigirl (She/They)
Age/Birthday 18, 8/7
Species ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Orientation/Status Gay/Ace
Height 5'6
Body Build Lean, toned
Traits/Unique Features Large Claws, Solid pink eyes
Home Starfruit Valley
Personality Loud and outgoing, always one to look on the bright side of things.



Flaws Qualities Motivation
  • ✗ Dense
  • ✗ Not very good with boundaries
  • ✗ Unwise
  • ✗ Rash
  • ✗ Stubborn
  • ✓ Comedic
  • ✓ Optimistic
  • ✓ Affectionate
  • ✓ Kind
  • ✓ Generous
  •  To find happiness


Isa is so strong that she has broken an iron bar with her bare hands before. She is quite fearsome.


Isa is very sensitive to bright light and annot see very well in direct sunlight. She just sort of 'deals with it' and hasn't told anyone.



Isa is a StarEater with a large personality, always willing to go out on the town or butt heads with someone.

  • She's thinking about going into professional fighting soon, although she doesn't think that she'll be able to hold her ground.
  • She always introduces herself as Isa, unless she doesn't trust you.
  • Isa was born magically inept, and the only thing she can do after years of practice is make some sparkles.
  • Her blindness is due to an early onset of Crystal Eyene as well as a terrible astygmatism.
  • Loves rain. She'll dance in it and get wet and love it.
  • "Isadora" is also an acceptable nickname.

Isa resides in starfruit valley, trying to become a herder or policewoman, as she needs something hands on and active.


Isa was born an ordinary girl by all accounts. She was born to a normal family, had a normal childhood, became... normal. She was regular, being born in starfruit valley, almost a background character in her own story. One might not even notice she was there. But she did have one extraordinary thing about her. She was strong. Not in the personality ddepartment, though she had that too. She broke almost everything she came into contact with. At first, some kids made fun of her for it. She had broken bones before, although accidentally. But as she grew older, it became more of a cool thing, and Isa started to look into what she could do.

At first it was small things. Her peers would hand her soemthing and ask her to bend it. She'd ask how far. Then she tried breaking things. She tapped into wells of strength she didn't knew she had. Maybe it was magic, or amaybe it was just her natural skill, but whatever it was, she started looking for some way to put it to use. Fighting was the obvious choice, and although reckless, Isa soon found that she liked the thrill. Still, she knew it would be silly to pursue it as a career. Fighting just... wasn't viable, right? She didn't have the experience, nor the skills, so she instead kept on searching. Aha! The guard would be a suitable replacement. Sure, it wouln'd tbe nearly as exciting or fun, but it was realistic. And so, at the young age of 15, she started setting out for her goal of being part of the Starfruit Valley Guard.

There were only two issues. One, being a guard was a lot more paperwork than she had signed up for, and two, her eyesight was deteriorating. It was small at first, but then she started to notice that things always seemed to be a little bit fuzzier than she remembered. She had a very bad reaction to bright light, worse enough that she couldn't even go outside without sunglasses or preparation, and things only seemed to be going downhill. But it couldn't be that bad, right? she would just have to deal with it. Continue with her training, even if it was getting harder. No one had to know. Isa's trying her best nowadays, but if she doesn't do anything soon, it might be the end of her career before it even begins.


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Here you could write about how loving your character is to his family and friends.


Character Name

This could be their best friend or adoptive dad.


Character Name

Maybe their sister or arch-nemesis.

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