[6046] Vivien's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

uwuloo Global Rules


By acquiring any designs made by me you automatically agree with the following:

  • Do  not resell designs made by me for higher than you bought them  for,  unless you've added more art (personal or commissioned) to them.
  • Commercial use of any of my designs without permission is strictly forbidden, that includes any physical and/or digital merchandise. 
    • In order to acquire commercial rights for my designs,  I will request a $50 (if the design was originally sold for under $100)  or 50% of the adopt's original purchase price (if originally sold for  above $100, aka if a design was sold from me to you for $200, you will  be paying an extra $100 for commercial rights).
  • reserve my right to use my works in my own portfolio and for my own advertisements.
  • Do not steal/reference/colorpick/claim as yours/edit/repost my designs/art.
  • You may Not adopt my designs if you have me blocked.
  • Do NOT sell/trade/gift/etc. any of my designs to the users on my Blacklist or "freebie shelters". By doing this you will also be blacklisted.
  • NEVER delete my designs/art or have it hidden from me. Please authorize me so I can see them.
  • Please credit me properly! Either to my Tumblr uwuloo or link back here.
  • I absolutely do NOT allow any of my art/designs to be tokenized/turned into NFTs.

Breaking any of these rules may result in a possible perma-block + blacklist.