


9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Devora (Wrath)


Koyasu Takehito


A nomadic Devora who often wanders from place to place in search of a good fight (and thus, a good meal). He is attracted to areas where a lot of warfare, organized crime, or general violence occurs.


In a nutshell: aggressive, vengeful, prideful, simple-minded, gullible, has a soft spot for children, can't deal with flirtation well

Tsukihi loves fighting but, more specifically, he likes proving himself through combat. He is the type to enter fighting competitions and to seek out the strongest warriors in an area. He is violent and won't hesitate to throw down in a fight, but generally isn't the type to brutalize people at random. He doesn't like violence for the sake of it—his is a prideful love of fighting. He also will acknowledge those stronger than him and seek out masters of different fighting styles so that he can learn from them—and crush them later. He doesn't set out to kill all of the people he fights, but once he feels a target has exhausted all of their potential and will never be worth fighting again, he'll devour their soul.

For some reason, he has a soft spot for children and is a lot nicer to them. Tsukihi likes being called "onii-chan". He likes to think that children will one day grow up to be strong warriors that he can fight, so he encourages them and will even give them some tips and fighting technique help. Tsukihi isn't very experienced or used to women but he doesn't look down on women warriors at all. He treats them with the same respect (or lack thereof) as men.

He puts up a tough front but he's actually pretty gullible and gets excited easily. Tsukihi comes off as somewhat child-like, naturally getting happy when he wins and sulking or throwing a tantrum when he loses or is disappointed.