


2 years, 4 months ago




Male (he/him)


Dragon (lindworm)


29.6 (cancer)

Neutral Good





I didn’t know humans are so sensitive — I wouldn’t have expected that from how powerful you people are.


A lindworm with the upper body of a human, Faren's appearance was deemed a curse by his human parents upon being born. Raised in solitude by his two kobold servants, he's the lone master of a tower hidden deep in the woods with a magical barrier. With his large serpentine body likely being met with fear and hostility from humans, Faren has never ventured outside his secluded home nor even seen a human in his life — until a wandering knight one night appears on his doorstep. 

Though clearly insecure about his appearance and scared of being treated as a monster, Faren is very friendly and kind towards visitors and endlessly curious about the world outside the magical barrier. He’s generally very non-hostile and rather flees than enters a fight, but has little trouble standing up for himself if he must. However, Faren fears that for as long as he’s left in the dark about the circumstances of his birth, he won’t be able to make peace with his own liminal identity — whether he’s a man or a dragon.


Having grown up in solitude with a very small social circle, Faren sometimes struggles understanding the more subtle nuances of social interaction: he rarely knows how much information he shares about himself is too much, struggles picking up subtle hints and doesn’t know how to approach people he can’t read from the first glance. Nevertheless, Faren very much enjoys socializing and has a good grasp of the general ins and outs of social interaction — he’s just very inexperienced.

Faren has an overall friendly disposition and a strong sense of duty as a host to the occasional visitor, to the point he might prioritize the comfort of his guest over his own. However, he’s surprisingly firm when he must be, and despite his occasionally timid seeming exterior he’s not one to get easily walked over by others. Though not particularly moody, his years of isolation, built up anxiety and experiences with biological family tend to show through a melancholic and irritable behavior at times. 

He uses much of his free time reading, his knowledge of humans largely acquired from fiction: as much as they fascinate him, Faren lives in a constant fear of being hurt by them for his appearance or for what he is — even if Faren himself isn’t quite sure of what exactly he is. His uncertain identity causes him a lot of grief, and while he often pressures others to determine whether he’s a dragon or a human, Faren never seems to take people’s answers to heart: without a knowledge about the circumstances of his own birth, Faren continues feeling lost and confused about his existence. 



HAIR: Tranquil (pale green), sides reaching chest while back reaching shoulders, small braids on both sides near ears (usually under other hair layers)
EYES: Gray blue, round pupils
EYELASHES: Long and thick upper lashes, light colored tips
NOSE: Average size, slightly sloped and sharp tip
LIPS: Small, round, grayish red
HORNS: Cream white, curl around head like a tiara
SCALES: Spiky spine, scales turn smoother the closer they get to underside
EARS: Human ears with slightly sharper tips than average
BODY TYPE: Mesomorph, hourglass shape
CONSTITUTION: Friendly, somewhat timid
OTHER: Most of the skin is covered in scales, spikes are bendy, flat chest with no nipples, small wings on back, sharp upper and lower fangs.

Because of how sensitive he is to cold temperatures, Faren usually wears warm and layered clothes on his human upper half. It’s rare to see him without a shirt or a tunic on. 

While Faren’s lower body is long and larger than his upper body, his human half is relatively small in size. If he were a human, he would be around 163cm in height and his size proportionate to it. 

Though Faren has wings they’re too small to be used for flying or even gliding. He often keeps his wings folded inside his shirts without even bothering to request wing holes to be cut into them.


Summary: A lindworm born to human parents, Faren was cut off from his family's records and kept hidden in his mother’s tower. Protected by a magical barrier, Faren was raised in solitude by two kobolds who had once served his family. Though he would get used to the life he led in isolation, he would be plagued by not knowing more about himself and his mother’s past, leading Faren to develop a persistent insecurity about his body and existence. However, when a human knight one day arrives at the tower, Faren’s hopes of finding his mother’s old journal and learning the truth about himself might not be such a distant dream anymore...



Very little is known about the circumstances of Faren’s birth: his father in particular was always keen on keeping his secrets to himself, and he would eventually take them to his grave. However, Faren himself has been told that his birth was a curse casted on his mother after helping a lindworm escape the knights that had captured him: her good deed was repaid years later with the horrifying realization of having given birth to a child with a dragon’s lower half. 

Whether she loved or hated her child is not known, but Faren was nursed by her in the tower she had used as her summer home to enjoy nature's peace. He was kept a secret from the kingdom and the subjects of his monarch parents, and officially Faren was listed as a child who perished during birth. The tower would then be magically protected with a barrier to keep Faren and his appearance a secret from others, with only certain people permitted to travel through it. 


Faren’s earliest memories are from the time his kobolt caretakers were already his main guardians. By this time his parents had already been overthrown and the country given a new king, but for a child who grew up in isolation this was hardly anything of concern — it’s not like he really even understood he had biological parents in the first place. With his guardians realizing Faren didn't quite comprehend the news, they decided not to speak of his past until he was older to understand the complicated circumstances of his parents, especially considering his mother’s status: she had disappeared in the midst of the coup with no trace of her left, leaving people wondering if she was able to escape or simply perished where her body could not be found. 

Though his home was sealed by a barrier, Faren was still able to meet new people: the barrier’s magic was not strong enough against creatures like faeries and unicorns who naturally had a magical resistance flowing through their veins. Visitors, though still rare, were Faren’s favourite thing while growing up: he loved talking to people other than his guardians and delighted in the stories about the world outside his home. 

Raising Faren was not an easy task for his caretakers either: there was little they knew about raising a lindworm, much less a child with such vastly different anatomical parts. Learning more about his diet, shedding, locomotion and physical growth was something that came to them as time passed. There were no dragons to seek any wisdom from either, the lindworms being the most elusive of all dragons due to the country’s distaste for everything that crawls. 

Nevertheless, the kobolds did the best they could with the occasional help from the unicorns, faeries and forest spirits. Faren was deeply loved and cared for by the two, giving him their unconditional love even when the young wyrm would lash out or throw a tantrum much like children do. 


While Faren had always been aware of his peculiar existence, it didn’t bother him much when he was still a young child. However, as he grew and his understanding of the world around him broadened, he would become increasingly more insecure and anxious about himself; his hybridized body and the existence between a man and a dragon. His small wings would often be the feature Faren would hate most audibly, cursing their small size preventing him from flying; from being seen as better than a crawling worm by the humans. He knew that wyrms rarely had wings large enough to fly with, but it was a convenient target for his anger and frustration. 

His body would increase in size and length as he aged, and he would go on his first hunt when he was 13. His targets were mainly small animals by this point, with his guardians assisting him in capturing his prey. Around this time he would also yearn for some more independence from the kobolds and began exploring the nearby forest areas. However, even with the occasional visitors Faren still found himself quite lonely and often turned to books to fend off both loneliness and boredom. 


Now a grown adult, Faren has become accustomed to his isolated lifestyle and spends most of his time doing independent activities or basking in the sun. However, the older he has gotten the more curious he has become about humans and his own past, feeling like there is still much he doesn’t know about himself and the past of his mother. He’s been planning on-and-off for a trip to the old castle’s ruins to search for his mother’s journal, but the fear of accidentally running into humans is preventing him from realizing his plans. 

However, when he finds a human knight on his doorstep asking for shelter from rain, Faren might just get his much awaited chance to learn more about humans — and who knows, perhaps even visit the ruins of his old home.

Skills & abilities

  • His skin shedding is closer to a lizard than a snake: though large, tube-like chunks of skin can be found on the ground as he sheds, most of the skin falls off in smaller pieces from random places. Faren usually fastens the shedding process up by soaking his body and gently removing what he can: he’s very vain and hates being seen with partially dead skin hanging on his body.

  • Has a prey drive and gets antsy and irritated if not able to get appropriate stimulus for it. As such, Faren hunts his own prey through constraining and strangling. However, he uses a knife to finish his prey if it doesn’t die instantly from strangulation.

  • Faren’s tears seem to turn into small pearls when he cries. However, upon closer inspection one can see they’re actually small pieces of ice. The tear pearls melt very fast and can’t be passed off as real pearls, but they possess minor healing qualities when applied to wounds.

  • Has a considerable amount of upper body strength as a result of maneuvering his large dragon body around. However, the strength of his human half pales in comparison to the deadly strength of his lower half: he can easily lift up a grown man, and his grip can easily squeeze the life out of large prey.

  • His tail tip is somewhat dexterous, giving him the ability to do things with it one would typically do with their arms — with just little less precision, and within the limits of his anatomy.

  • Though his cold tolerance is technically better than a human’s, it doesn’t change the fact he’s extremely sensitive to cold: it doesn’t kill him but still inconveniences greatly.

  • A good swimmer, his serpent body seemingly optimized for it. He enjoys swimming a lot and in general enjoys soaking in pools of water.

  • Has the ability to command reptiles through his thoughts. Faren mainly keeps them as company in his loneliness and makes them non-hostile towards visitors, and in exchange the reptiles get protection, warmth and the occasional leftover food.


  • Even his kobold guardians don’t know what kind of relationship Faren’s mother had with him when he was still an infant: by the time they were tasked to look after the dragonling, her whereabouts had already become unknown. There is still no confirmation whether she’s dead or alive, only that she was not executed with her king husband.

  • Because of the state of his body, his human parents and doctors weren’t quite sure how to determine his sex: with two distinctively different halves of his body, they didn’t know whether his dragonic lower half was some sort of parasite covering his human lower body or a genuine part of his own body. Nowadays Faren understands his own anatomy and has figured out he’s a trans man.

  • Despite technically being a prince, Faren feels no claim for the title or the throne. He doesn’t enjoy being referred to as a prince either, taking some offense in it as he generally associates it with his family and their poor treatment of him.

  • He gnaws at the tip of his tail when he’s scared or nervous. He’s in denial about it being his nervous quirk.
  • Though he struggles with his identity in the story he’s in, Faren will eventually come to see and accept himself as a dragon and as such I refer to him as one.