


6 years, 6 months ago


A weapon - set on goals to A.) be used, B.) absorb weilders and C.) reunite with other weapon pieces. Sentient, but little understanding of himself as a person - or of other people, relationship-wise. Very selfish - will do whatever he can to get people to use him in order to take their life energy and begin absorbing their mind. Doesn't take anything personally (if someone fights him, for example) and doesn't understand this emotion yet. 

Edit: tweaking original lore a bit to make it mine, but you can see the original lore below. In my version, he gains more consciousness and person-ness with every piece he recovers. As a single piece, he has no concept of good and bad and isn't capable of liking someone or appreciating good treatment. This may change as he becomes whole-er. 

Calls himself Three (third piece) - and has resisted any attempts by previous weilders to re-name him.

Description per Polis-adopts (species concept creator): "Demonian Weaponry - Long ago, near the dawn of our era, was born a demon. He was brought forth from human emotion, such as pain, suffering, and hatred. He ate and he grew from the negative emotions of people, and he became very powerful until no one could beat him. Many times gods and humans have tried to overcome him, but he was immortal and they always suffered defeat. At some point, after they united against him, the humans and gods managed to cut his body into many small parts. They scattered these parts around the world, in the hopes that the demon would never again reform. When the body parts fell to the ground, each of them became a cursed weapon and gained self-awareness. These weapons could take the form of a human. When a person picks up these weapons it gives them enormous power, demanding in exchange their life energy. Each time the weapon will try to absorb the mind and body of his "master". Over time, there began to appear people who seek to collect all of the damned weapons, in pursuit of the power they give. In fact, they were actually guided by the subconscious desire of the weapons to reunite and again become one."