Cotton's Comments

ive been on a drawing spree and this design caught my eye lol can I draw them if that's okay?^^

that's lovely of you to ask, was a surprise honestly not used to people wanting to draw gift art. You're the second ever to ask and both on cotton aha.  That would be nice if you'd like to, i did read your page though, you're welcome to draw him but please don't add him to an AU or claim ownership.   

oh I only use my designs or adopts I got from people for aus don't worry xD I also never claim ownership on others designs unless well..of course I purchases the character. But I try to credit everyone <3

I love them SO MUCH! If the ever go ufo could you please ping me? If not that’s okay!

I doubt I'd part with this guy, I only made him last week and i'm sure i'd be buying a lot of art so if I ever sis part with him he'd likely be around 400 USD in value by then. ^-^;  Thank you so much though for the love.

No problem! Am I allowed to possibly make gift art for them?

oh that's very interesting and thoughtful, i've never had someone ask before. I'd definitely appreciate some gift art, i'll try and make some bio for him soon on the page then so there's some intel about him. Depending on what you do I can maybe make a mascot killer for you in return. I very much enjoyed making cotton.

Oh really?? I’d love that some much actually! If you could make them some kind of dark blue pallet cat killer that would be sooo cool! A lynx cat would be super neat

sounds pretty interesting haha, can kinda picture it.. maybe with a meat cleaver
Cotton is a luker and a strangler, he likes to watch around walls, corners and cupboards lol, sometime uses his old slump bow/ribbon. 

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