


6 years, 11 months ago



  • maeve "mavis"; she/her 
  • late teens/early twenties. got lost in the beyond in the late 1800s
  • she wandered into the beyond by accident as a child with her older brother and never managed to wander her way back out
  • is considered an "odd little girl" by the townsfolk because she dabbles in potions and herbs but all and all is well liked. or, at the very least, well tolerated. 
  • is the butt of a lot of hermit-themed jokes in town. she is very aware of this and perpetually irritated. 
  • she lost her older brother to the woods and has never really gotten over the trauma. comes off standoffish and sarcastic, isn't particularly trusting of strangers despite having been one herself. hasn't thought about the world outside of the beyond in years, has honestly probably blocked it out to deal with the fact shes never going back home
    • the longer she spends in the beyond, the more hazy her memories get. mavis is desperate to keep what little she still remembers, however, and has various notebooks in which she jots down the same bits of information routinely (in hopes repetitiveness will ingrain the information in her brain).  
    • hilariously cynical 110% of the time. she is skeptical about most things and- despite being trapped in the beyond- still refuses to believe in the existence of certain kinds of fae-related creatures. this is likely due to her stanch, scientific beliefs (which she has continued to carry with surprising diligence considering that, again, she is trapped in the beyond). maeve only recognizes that there are faeries at all because she has literally no other explanation of what else they could be. that said she is still grossly hesitant to call them faeries
  • lives just outside of town. she makes herbal remedies and salves for people in town. her home is a glorified apothecary. 
    • prior to her trip into the beyond, maeve lived a comfortable life. her father was a doctor, and her brother was expected to become the same. he, however, had different hopes and it was maeve who longed to carry the torch in his stead. pity that 'doctor' is no kind of title for a proper lady. 
  • has made a deal with The Other to find a soul to exchange for her brother's. problem is, her brother was a Good Human Being with a pure soul, so finding one of "equal value" hasn't really been a walk in the park. in the last couple of months, shes been feeling particularly deterred. why? because this town is full of shitty people and no one new ever comes
  • has a god awful potty mouth (favorite swear word is balls). hums/(attempts to) recite poetry when she's bored. she doesn't know how to swim and is afraid of the dark. 
  • pinterest aesthetic 
  • fc used: lily james (more specifically, lily james as a brunette)