


8 years, 8 months ago


  • forget-me-nots, freckles
  • heart pupils, blue tongue
  • lithe but athletic
  • cold to the touch.



feeling trapped

Pervaded by a sense of nostalgia.

There are a lot of ways to describe Annalise. Among those are impulsive and brazen, optimistic and narcissistic, quick to forgive and easily finds the light in others. They are kind, yet selfish, but will put the needs of others first if they are aware of said needs. They crave contact and socialization, they live to love and be loved. Always in the present, reluctant to look to the past and ignorant of the future. Very emotionally intelligent, but weakened by a bad memory. But were they to pick a descriptor for themself, they would choose 'your best friend, should you need one.'

They think themself better than most others, but have learned it best not to rub it in. It would hurt someone's feelings, after all!


Born and raised in Romania. Their mother, a soloist with the violin. Their father, an authour. Annalise was fed songs and dreams and grew up believing that the world was swollen with hope.

Their parents ran an inn, and all walks of life stayed a while. Among the most memorable, they'd claim, was a man who became friends with their father who was... a vampire! Or was he? No one seemed to believe their claims. An overactive imagination, perhaps. Though some might call them sheltered, they've still seen their share of hardships. Many were witnessed, from refugees to runaways to people who came to find a quiet place to die, but a few were experienced.

On a camping trip with a couple childhood friends and their parents, Ann took a step that was just unsteady enough to have them fall from a significant height in the Carpathians. The fall left them concussed and with a severe leg injury, but otherwise alive. They had been an avid runner in track and field before, but no longer. Most of the post-concussion symptoms faded with weeks, but in some ways they are still recovering: namely, their memory. Names, faces, words, locations, all became harder to hold onto. It was all familiar, and yet all unknown. Despite this experience, their sense of adventure never faded.


Ann wanted to see the world. And, they meant the whole of it; every country, every corner, every home.

After becoming a camp counselor in their late teens, they started to save. And when they had enough? They booked a one way ticket across the world. For years, they rinsed and repeated this pattern, restarting their life and writing home ever so often, with the first letter being an apology for forgetting to say goodbye. Their resume became enormous, filled with odd jobs, and the list of places they lived endlessly longer.


Perhaps it was fate that they were in New York the day Eden swiped the humans away.

Since their abrupt rapture into a world of myth, Ann has taken to disguising themself with elf ears. After spending a fruitful time away from their human companions, Ann reconvened in the worst way - being changed by an Aberrant. Now when feeling rage, they flirt with violent urges using their newfound ice abilities to divide and conquer. The worse a wound they receive, the more likely it is to scar over blue instead. Their extremities are covered by blue bismuth patterns.

Above all, their luck makes them a most formidable foe.

Loner Sociable
Emotional Logical
Passive Aggressive
Brave Cowardly
Kind Cruel
  • Excellent at motivation, and will show you how it's done if need be.
  • Good at doing things on the fly. Prepared, but may forget they are.
  • Can take a hit. Most things are challenges that they welcome.
  • Overencumbered when it comes to grief. They get stuck in denial.
  • Prone to one-sided feelings.
  • They have a tendency to push themself too hard. Their weak knee has been made progressively worse by this, and will likely continue to be pushed. Short-term boon, long-term bane.
  • Very reluctant to do harm (but a mutual tussle is welcomed). Attempts to talk things through. Would prefer to comfort than to combat. Should that fail, there's always their fists. And their friends' fists. And their friends' friends' fists. Etc. Takes crazy risks if they see an opportunity!
NAME // relation

"Insert info about the relationship. I personally like to put a quote about the character's thoughts, but you do you. This box scrolls; go ahead and add what you want."

NAME // relation

Nam aliquet fermentum felis nec rutrum. Curabitur vel justo vel ante lobortis varius. Aenean ornare arcu libero, sit amet tempus dui porta ut. Praesent tempus eros vel purus auctor, maximus fringilla nisi eleifend. Sed condimentum aliquam ante eget maximus. Duis rutrum pellentesque sapien, ut congue felis scelerisque a. Nunc at eleifend massa. Proin blandit, massa eget sollicitudin volutpat, augue dui dapibus mi, ut lobortis sapien enim in elit. Integer auctor purus vel nibh molestie, sit amet posuere purus tempus. Donec viverra pretium justo tincidunt dignissim.

NAME // relation

"Insert info about the relationship. I personally like to put a quote about the character's thoughts, but you do you. This box scrolls; go ahead and add what you want."

NAME // relation

Nam aliquet fermentum felis nec rutrum. Curabitur vel justo vel ante lobortis varius. Aenean ornare arcu libero, sit amet tempus dui porta ut. Praesent tempus eros vel purus auctor, maximus fringilla nisi eleifend. Sed condimentum aliquam ante eget maximus. Duis rutrum pellentesque sapien, ut congue felis scelerisque a. Nunc at eleifend massa. Proin blandit, massa eget sollicitudin volutpat, augue dui dapibus mi, ut lobortis sapien enim in elit. Integer auctor purus vel nibh molestie, sit amet posuere purus tempus. Donec viverra pretium justo tincidunt dignissim.

/ lover alone without love.