3A // Holly Okami



2 years, 9 months ago


Holly Okami

Called Holly, "Tundra"

Gender Female

Quirk Arctic Wolf

Age 17

Race Canadian-American

Birthday Sept. 29th

Favorite Song Last Friday Night

HTML Pinky


Holly is quiet and keeps to herself. She’s a foreign exchange student from Canada, who transferred at the beginning of her first year at UA. She prefers to stay to herself, and speaks very little, but when she does she talks quietly. She’s a little shy, but she’s not anxious. Being an exchange student, she often isolated herself from her peers. After the initial culture shock though, Holly was somewhat social and even made a few friends! She loves being in the company of others, especially listening to people talk. She loves to binge shows on Netflix, especially with her friends and geek out about their favorite characters and such. She absolutely adores Katy Perry, she’s a huge fan and listens to her music almost nonstop.


Height 5'4" (164 cm)

Build Strong

Eyes Gold

Weight 130 lbs

Hair Color White

Hair Style Down, swept to the side

Demeanor Reserved


  • She has sharp canines.
  • Noticeable wolf ears and tail.
  • She wears tights with her school uniform.
  • Her casual outfits are mostly athletic wear.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Winter is Holly's favorite season! Not only is it the longest, but she's very accustomed to the cold, and she loves playing in the snow!


Holly is an avid napper, almost every day after coming home from school she'll fall into bed for an hour before attempting to do anything else with the day.


Holly loves doing group hangouts with her friends! Only in small groups of 2-3 people, any more than that and her social battery will deplete.

Katy Perry

She just really loves pop music, but Katy Perry especially. She listens to her all the time, only Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus come close to how much she listens to Katy P.


Hot Weather

Holly hates hot weather, especially since she has such thick hair and she's more built for cold weather than hot.


Holly hates being bored, so when she's not doing anything she'll listen to a podcast or play a game on her phone.


Science is definetly not Holly's strong suit, it's her worst subject in school. It just doesn't make sense! She's more of a math girl.

Social Media

Holly is a strong believer in the fact that social media is awful. She believes it shortens attention spans, and limits face-to-face communication skills. She refuses to have any social media accounts other than her ones for school.



Arctic Wolf

Holly’s quirk is Arctic Wolf. It grants her abilities of a real arctic wolf, such as her ears and tail, as well as an ear-piercing howl that can be heard miles away. She has strong legs, which allow for almost inhuman running speeds. Her fingernails are sharp, almost claw-like. She has prominent canine teeth, like a real wolf. She has behavioral traits as well, such as growling when she’s threatened, whimpering when she’s afraid or hurt, her tail wags and her ears droop depending on her mood.

The Arctic Heroine: Tundra

Holly’s hero alias, Tundra, was suggested by her dad. He thought it was perfect, but she didn’t like it at first. She thought it was weird. Eventually, when she was seriously thinking about her alias, she settled on Tundra because it just felt right. She added the tagline, “The Arctic Heroine:” to it to give it more flair.



Holly was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She was adopted with her younger brother of two years to a military family; her and her brother, Raiken, grew up very close due to all the moving around. Holly had always loved heroes, she would get up early on the weekends to watch highlight reels being broadcasted in the mornings. Her father encouraged her to go into heroism, but Holly was scared. She never actually thought she could, but when she was in middle school that changed.

When she was in 9th grade, Holly’s father was transferred to Japan, so their family was uprooted from their home in America to the other side of the world. Holly was petrified, she was only 14, all her friends were in America, and on top of starting a new school, she had only a month to learn a new language. They arrived in the middle of her 9th grade year, which meant Holly was eligible to apply to the top hero school, arguably in the world. Holly’s dad had told her that he put in a request to be relocated to Japan as soon as he heard about UA, so that Holly (and later Raiken) could attend. It took lots of hard work, but Holly applied and was accepted.


Because of all the vigorous training needed for the entrance exams, Holly hadn’t put much time into learning Japanese. Once she started at UA, that problem quickly reared its head, because now she couldn’t learn anything! She struggled a lot her first year, but she made a friend: Minu. Minu had spoken French since her mother was French, and Holly spoke French due to growing up in Canada. Holly was immediately relieved, and soon made friends with Minu’s brother, Masaki, as well. At first, she thought the two were twins, but was shortly corrected. Holly learned the language at a conversational level by her second year.

More About Holly

During her first year, Holly kept to herself because she couldn’t communicate with her peers, but nowadays she keeps to herself because she doesn’t see a point in letting everyone know everything about her. Her best friends do that enough as is, and they’re really the only people who need to know anything about her anyway. As she’s matured, she’s become much stronger emotionally and physically. She’s strengthened her howl, which can now be heard miles away. She’s calm and collected, but she’s easily excitable, which she tries not to express. The only real indicator of her emotion is her tail and ears, which will droop if she’s upset or wag if she’s enjoying herself.

When she turns 18, Holly decides to get her officiants license, because something she’d always wanted to do as a girl was be the person who said “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” at a wedding. Later on, she ends up marrying both of her Kumo classmates to their respective spouses! As an adult, Holly is more evened out. In her childhood years she was energetic, while in her high school years she was very quiet, so as an adult she balanced the two and became much more approachable. She’s still unable to pick up on jokes (mostly due to the language barrier,) but she tries.





Minu Kumo

Best Friend

Minu and Holly met in their first year at U.A, with Minu almost instantly befriending Holly. Minu speaks French, and as Holly was a Canadian foreign exchange student who spoke little to no Japanese at the time, they were fast friends. It was funny to watch from the perspective of other students, because they’d have really animated conversations in French while no one was privy to what they were saying. Eventually Holly mastered Japanese with her slight accent and they were pretty much together all the time from then. Minu likes to play with Holly’s hair, because it’s so soft and silky.


Nejire Hado

Best Friend

Holly and Nejire have been friends since their first year, when Holly would use a translator on her phone to talk to her. Both Holly and Nejire were quiet and not very people oriented, so they got along well. Once Nejire started to come out of her shell, Holly was happy to see her be more comfortable with herself and embrace everything that made her Nejire. Eventually when Holly picked up on the fact that Nejire liked Masaki and vice versa, she was all over it. She made so many plans in her head that never came into fruition, and she was so frustrated when they got together without her doing anything. However, she did get to officiate their wedding, so that made up for it.


Masaki Kumo

Close Friend

Holly and Masaki have been friends almost as long as she and Minu have. Holly and Masaki usually pair up together for school assignments, because they work efficiently and well together, whereas she and Minu just giggle the whole time. Holly cares a whole lot for Masaki, and he does the same. Masaki will typically go to Holly to hang out and play video games with him if he’s lonely and he likes to play with her tail.