


2 years, 3 months ago



Female (She/Her) - 4' 8''

Supernova is loud, confident, and boisterous. She is very self-assured in her abilities to fight, and she takes what she wants. She has a very dominating personality, and can sometimes be overprotective and slightly possessive. She doesn't take any backtalk and is quick to fight anyone who looks at her wrong.

She was born and raised in Evermutt Labs, given up by her mother before she was even born. There, she was trained and genetically altered to become the perfect killing machine. She was Gilded Thorn's personal attack dog and did everything that he said, up until a fire broke out in the lab and she got the chance to escape. She met Sundial in a neighboring town and the two started traveling together. She is determined never to go back to the lab, and she is very paranoid about being found by them.

She cares deeply for Sundial and wishes to protect her. She acts like Sundial's bodyguard and money manager. Supernova wishes she could explain herself better to Sundial, but she struggles with her words and feelings. She and Mariner do not get along that well, and fight often. She is wary of Honey  - Supernova remembers her working at the lab she lived at, even if Honey doesn't. Billie was her girlfriend when they were at the lab, and Cassidy was her best friend. She had to leave them both behind to escape.