Coraline Cocamo



2 years, 8 months ago



"I take care of you every day and this is how you treat me."


Gemsci the Temperer • ISTJ • The Hierophant

Hostile Friendly
Neurotic Stable
Serious Comical
Pessimistic Optimistic

Coraline is a bit of a split individual, while she may be very trivial and serious, she is simultaneously very silly. Oftentimes even when she is trying to relax or go along with the fun of others she can be set off by the most minor thing, reacting to very silly things in a pseudo-serious manner. Her reactions to seemingly small things are very blown out of proportion- as she is a constant bundle of tension, and always one breath away from bawling her eyes out.


  • Name Coraline Cocamo
  • Age 23
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her/Herself
  • Orientation Venice Winters
  • Hair Split-Dyed Brown and Lime, Bob
  • Skin Light
  • Eyes Lime Green
  • Eye Symbol Leaves
  • Build Chubby, Pear-Shaped


Moving Right Along

Coraline’s family moved around a lot. Her father was in the Army, and as a result they were always hopping from place to place, both in and outside of America. Her mother was a housewife, but kept herself rather busy as a doomsday planner. Coraline herself ended up with a lot of free time in-between moves, time she occupied with picking up and dropping any hobby she could get her hands on. She made a lot of friends through a lot of extracirriculars, and she left even more behind every time she moved away again.

The Universal Constant

While Coraline picked up and dropped hobbies rapidly, one interest that truly stuck with her was medical sciences. While most everything else related to something she needed to have access to, everyone everywhere had a body that more or less functioned the same way. It was the one unifying thing across all of her different homes, and so she began to pursue a career in it. Coraline moved out right when she was 18, her parents moved on while she stayed in Sweden to attend medical school.

Taking Great Care

While attending school Coraline took a co-op at a hospital, which eventually led to her taking on the role of a live-in caretaker for Mx. Venice Winters. During her time with them she developed a crush on their charge, though she made it a point to be completely professional with them… until they made it clear any advances were more than welcome.


Venice is the single most important person in Coralines life, she loves them to the ends of the earth and back. Their health is her greatest concern, she would do anything to cure them...

Originally just her teacher, Coraline managed to get herself into Olivers good graces by trying relentlessly to keep up with his class despite her absences. He worries her sometimes though, there seems to be something going on behind closed doors.


  • Likes:
    Italian Pasta
  • Dislikes:
    Canned Food
    Horror Movies
    Strong Smells
  • Playlist: Mint Chocolate Medicine
  • Coraline's birthday is December 22nd
  • She often smells like mint. Whether this is because she’s simply Like That or its the brand of hand lotion she uses is a mystery
  • She likes to carry people around
  • Coraline's associated fear is The Corruption
  • Coraline's classpect is Seer of Life