Eboe Louvhorn



2 years, 8 months ago


male; he/him
great horned owlin
cheerful . dependable . wordly

Eboe is a dependable man and sword for hire. He generally accompanies questers as muscle, or sometimes takes on small jobs like being a bouncer or event guard. Despite his intimidating appearance he is probably the friendliest guy you'll ever meet. Total dad material.

Having traveled all over, Eboe has many friends but when not on a job lives alone. He also doesn't seem to have any family and doesn't talk about his background much. But whether formal or informal, his combat training was evidently very good.


  • cracking jokes
  • looking on the bright side
  • friendly duels

  • nosy people
  • fireworks, explosions, fire magic
  • staying in one place for long
No man is an island

  • he is trans!
  • can out-drink anyone
  • has a lovely deep singing voice
  • his name is pronounced ee-BO
Design Notes

  • the grey-ness of his feathers on his left side are from a burn incident
  • can do the owl head turny thing
  • tips of wings drape on the ground

Despite Eboe's gentle and friendly nature, he is a force to be reckoned with in combat. Despite his stature he is very quick and light on his feet, and due to his owl plumage he is very good at sneaking up on people.

His weapon of choice is rather unique: war pick. What looks like a small pickaxe is a deadly melee weapon in his talons. While lacking in reach, it packs a punch, and can knock out or down enemies instantly. He also has a long sword he uses as back up when he needs something a little more ranged.


Eboe cannot hear out of his left ear. His feathers on his shoulder and upper arm on that side are also greyed and somewhat frail. While he is open about his partial deafness, he does not talk about how it happened. Luckily, he can just spin his head if he needs to hear something, and he'll always have his good ear tilted to you in conversation.

Being someone who has faught his whole life, Eboe has his fair share of scars. He has a small split above his right eye, as well as a smattering of scars on his wrists, and one somewhat large one on his belly. He is very proud of them.


If you're lucky enough to meet him in your day-to-day life, Eboe is most likely seen chatting it up in a bar or fireside. His voice is great for storytelling, which he loves doing to a enraptured audience of new friends. He has plenty of tales of fierce battles and silly drunkards and lovely ladies.

He is also a good listening ear if you need advice or a shoulder to cry on. If there was a fantasy yelp, everyone would say in their reviews how nice he is to have around on missions.


  • Deadly in combat with his war pick and physical prowess.
  • A lovely presence to have after a long day of work.
  • Listens to others, but doesn't reveal his own personal details.
  • His years of combat show, especially in the damage to his left shoulder and the deafness in that ear.
code by jiko | background by @ user