
6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Juno Kadenza


Junebug (by her deceased aunt)


17-23 (Meets Pep at 17, story continues on til 23)


Martial Arts, Training, kicking your a**


Pep, eventually




January 13th


Over my dead body (NFT/NFS)


Juno is a very rough-edged character, always keeping to herself and never really socializing. After the loss of her aunt, she has become increasingly defensive and emotional, pushing back from others and distancing herself from the world. Despite her flaws, Juno would die in an instant for her friends and loved ones.

Juno has a bad relationship with her parents, especially her mother. She would often see her parents fight or be violent, often fighting about what to do about Juno. She left her parents to stay with her Aunt Marie. After her aunt's death, Juno told everyone she was living with her uncle, who after Marie's funeral, ran off with a woman and left Juno alone to grieve. She doesn't mind that her uncle is gone since he would often abuse and cheat on her aunt.

Juno, due to her past life, knew how to live on her own. Her aunt's house wasn't in a good neighborhood, so Juno became even tougher to fight off theives and gang members. She trains every day, and is always looking for a fight.

Fun Facts/Accepted Headcanons:

Juno has photo albums of when her aunt was alive, but is too afraid to look at them any more, even though she holds onto them and values them highly. (callilux)

If she was a pokemon, she'd be a Fighting/Ground type.

She would easily be diagnosed with ODD, she can be argumentative and defiant for no reason.

As a child, she had leukemia but recovered unexpectedly and miraculously. More about that here:

Juno first learned of her leukemia at age 6, due to her constant bleeding and bruising. Her mother at first dismissed this symptom, seeing as Juno was known for roughhousing with bigger kids and she assumed Juno was lying or covering up a fight she had in school. But when Juno began to lose her appetite, her parents grew concerned. She began to start slurring her words and seemed clumsier. Her aunt immediately took her to a doctor, even while her parents didn't believe it to be anything serious, just Juno acting up. Juno was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), and was considered a very high-risk patient. She immediately started on chemotherapy, but standard chemo wasn’t strong enough. She had such a low RBC that she needed blood transfusions, which required even more chemo. Little did Juno know, the main donor of blood was her beloved aunt, so technically, while her aunt is dead, Juno still has a part of her in her veins. Soon enough, it became clear she needed stronger chemo or alternative methods. She soon became too sick to come home. She got bone marrow transplants from a donor (guess who) who had the right marrow and blood type for the transplants to work. The transplants were meant to help keep her steady and get her ready for a stronger amount of chemo and other medicines, but after the transplants, Juno started making a quick recovery, to everyone’s shock and disbelief. This was considered a miracle, and she owed part of her remission (or all of it) to her aunt who was always paying the expenses and donated blood (and marrow, who knows) to save her niece. Her parents were overwhelmed and unable to really handle Juno, and weren’t emotionally as stable or attached to pick her up from treatments and doctor visits.