


6 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Pogarin are a horse-like species, able to control a single element and well versed in hunting and fighting.


Pogarin eat mostly meat, although occasionally they will eat plants or other such things.  Due to this, their teeth are mostly sharp.


Wild Pogarin are often cruel and violent, although tamed ones are often much calmer and gentler.  Pogarin are not known for their willingness to go along with the plans of any other creature, and generally care more about whether they're edible than anything else.  Pogarin also enjoy having fierce fights with each other, in which the goal is to end the opponent's life, or less frequently, to maim them.  This is a desire that could not be trained out, so even tamed Pogarin are used for hunting and fight for sport.  Tamed Pogarin have also been used in the past for war, although the humans of their world are currently more concerned with keeping hostile lifeforms out of their camps than such things.

Distinctive Features

Pogarin are distinguishable by their many-toed hoofed feet, their multiple pupils, and their vaguely equine appearance combined with their sharp, carnivorous teeth.  They generally come in shades of browns and greys, with small splashes of bright colors on their hooves or manes.


Pogarin come in variations for every element they can control, and quite possibly even a few beyond that.  As such, they can be found everywhere on the planet they live on.