Aomi Hōseki



2 years, 3 months ago

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♥ Aomi Hoseki


♥ Aomi or Storm


♥ 22


♥ 5/13


♥ Nonbinary/Transmasc


♥ Snow Leopard


♥ 5'6


♥ Shy, Quiet


♥ Brain & Heart







Aomi is just your everyday witch, they are the shy, but chaotic gremlin type. As such their brain operates under the "oo shiny, it's mine now" kind of deal. Their patron deity is none other than {TBN} the deity of chaos and order. Oh and they also may have mildly upset the deity of storms.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Sassy
Mature Childish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Clever Foolish
Hopeful Pessimistic
Cautious Reckless
Diligent Lazy
Organized Messy
Serious Humorous

Aomi is a bit of a condradiction in terms of personality, on one hand, they are quite shy and timid, often feeling overwhelmed by just ordering their own food and stuff. However they will also fight anyone who dares to say anything stupid and mean. Then, there's the chaotic bird brain side of them; they are quite chaotic in the sense that they will do things like hoard shiny rocks, trinkets, and really anything shiny or remotely interesting, and they also enjoy being outside during storms. But, Aomi does have days where they are just a depressed, anxious mess and their emotions can vary wildly as well.



♥ Aomi has lived on tea basically all his life, he just completely loves it, between nostalgia and herbal uses, it's just always held a special place in his heart.

Evening/Night Time

♥ This time is always when you'll see Aomi be more active, being a nightowl, Aomi likes the dark and night. They've always felt more at home and relaxed, and they even feel some kind of connection to the moon. Of course, night time plus a rain storm is absolutely the best thing Aomi could ask for.


♥ Ever since they were young, they have loved music, it has always been a source or comfort, energy, and it just means a lot to them in general. They rely so heavily on music as an outlet for their emotions on the particularly hard days.

Snakes & Spiders

♥ Pretty self explanatory. Aomi adores snakes and spiders and even has some as pets. And yes he absolutely loves them both and even spoils them as much as he can. Of course this tends to scare people if they come over to his place without knowing beforehand.


Being Woken up before 10am

♥ Aomi is NOT a morning person, the earliest they will wake up on their own is around 10 in the morning, but no sooner usually. They also get very grumpy if someone tries to wake them and has smacked people in a state of half sleep.

Cooked Vegetables

♥ Aomi doesn't dislike all cooked vegetables, but they are very picky with how they like them. But cooked spinach is always and forever a nope for them, they just hate it.

Rude Beings (people and otherwise)

♥ Be it people alive, or dead, and even beings who aren't tied to the physical plane of the world, they will not handle any rude, malevolent, or otherwise bad vibed beings. He won't hesitate to cleanse, and kick all of em out.

Being Yelled At

♥ Ah yes, Aomi is a crybaby at the end of the day, and the easiest way to make them cry is by yelling. Due to some trauma, the only response they know besides unfiltered anger is crying. At least when it comes to being yelled at.



♥ Aomi collects plushies of all his favorite pokemon, and animals, his most prized ones though are his galvantula plush, and an African Wild Dog plush he got as a gift from a friend.


♥ Aomi carries around a somewhat thick book decorated with stickers, crystals, and occasionally herbs. This notebook contains all their spells as well as basic magical information from herb and crystal uses to signs of the deities.

Night Vision

♥ Aomi has incredible night vision, being able to see just about anything within a 5-10 foot range, however, due to an unfortunate genetic mixup, his pupils don't dialte to a normal degree one might see in other creatures of his kind, as such he is very sensitive to light and often wears sunglasses if he is out during the day.


♥ Aomi always has crystals on or around him, whether it has purpose or just because it's pretty, or both.



Aomi didn't live a particularly eventful life, for a good while, probably about twelve years. Then, as soon as his twelfth birthday came around and passed, things were thrown into chaos. Now his parents were never particularly religious, but they weren't the most open minded when it came to a lot of things. Be it friends or personal life choices like transitioning, his parents were always wary and questioned him at every turn. As a result his relationship with his parents became more strained as he felt the need to hide who he was from them. This lead to him confiding more in his friends than anyone and he still cherishes all his friends who helped him to this day.

Etiam facilisis vel sapien eu tristique. Sed non pretium lorem, id efficitur mi. Duis eleifend aliquet ante ut imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi est ante, elementum in gravida vitae, pharetra eu elit. Sed pharetra magna sed elementum consectetur. Nulla sagittis ex id vulputate gravida. Curabitur finibus elit id tempus porta. Curabitur maximus orci sed est vestibulum lacinia. Nunc sit amet lorem sed mauris mattis posuere. Nulla tempor mauris sed eros suscipit feugiat. Nulla vel nibh lectus. Nullam tincidunt viverra placerat. Donec bibendum condimentum nulla a sagittis. Cras et tincidunt nisl, non convallis dolor. Vestibulum felis lorem, venenatis feugiat scelerisque in, fermentum a mi.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam tincidunt, mi quis tincidunt eleifend, odio purus pellentesque erat, sed eleifend diam ante non mauris. Suspendisse in lacinia turpis. Nunc vulputate, turpis eu ullamcorper posuere, neque dolor hendrerit ante, ac tempus odio est ut velit. Ut lacus tortor, ornare ac eros a, mattis sollicitudin turpis. Sed molestie nec libero quis gravida. Nullam laoreet lectus quis libero auctor, ac maximus dui congue. Aliquam finibus posuere mi id maximus. Aenean molestie turpis ligula, a malesuada sem dignissim sit amet. Vivamus tristique, erat vitae facilisis egestas, risus mauris efficitur leo, at aliquam nisl felis eget leo. Nam vestibulum cursus enim eu maximus.

Vivamus imperdiet et sapien vel vestibulum. Quisque ut tellus ligula. Praesent condimentum erat nec laoreet laoreet. Vivamus ac mi ut ligula blandit suscipit. Phasellus fermentum at justo volutpat euismod. Etiam pellentesque aliquet iaculis. Integer ac massa ut nunc vehicula cursus id ac eros. Fusce luctus semper sapien ac venenatis. Nunc auctor mi eget erat congue faucibus. Cras sit amet risus pellentesque, sagittis justo ac, tristique lectus. Curabitur ornare tristique iaculis. In pellentesque odio lacus, sed tincidunt velit ornare sit amet. Phasellus eget purus pretium, posuere urna eu, facilisis est.


Morbi iaculis velit vitae dolor iaculis egestas. Sed et pharetra sem. Sed nec velit eget purus efficitur porttitor vitae ut eros. Etiam quis pharetra nisi, a facilisis ante. Pellentesque nec nisl quis diam efficitur auctor. Nulla auctor tellus vitae metus imperdiet, vitae iaculis tellus tempor. Aliquam elementum augue lectus, ut faucibus magna fermentum vel. Mauris eget tristique arcu. Sed facilisis condimentum urna, vel consectetur nunc dictum eget. Sed consectetur elit turpis, commodo imperdiet metus rhoncus a. Nunc semper aliquam risus, id fermentum turpis sodales ut. Phasellus imperdiet auctor nibh vitae vehicula. Aenean eu urna egestas mi tempus dictum ut scelerisque arcu. Donec gravida quis orci sed sollicitudin. Vivamus eu feugiat nisi. Donec nisi metus, fermentum ut elementum at, iaculis quis orci.

Fusce accumsan egestas consequat. Quisque interdum est at vehicula tristique. Morbi eu mauris ac turpis ornare scelerisque eu a nibh. Etiam lectus massa, dignissim ut dignissim et, condimentum vel augue. Mauris sed lectus eget arcu dapibus hendrerit. Ut eleifend quam feugiat, cursus velit non, congue lectus. Nulla tristique sagittis iaculis. Sed porta urna sit amet nulla eleifend elementum.




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan.
  • Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec.
  • Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



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