KAZIL, God of Life



2 years, 8 months ago


the god of life, and conversely, the god of death. despite all the matter in the universe, without anything to experience it, univursus felt that existence felt too lonely, too empty. and so, they granted the gift of life across the planets. originally in their own ursine image, life was rather uniform and easy to manage, until their numbers grew too large, and their long lives drove them mad. it was then that kazil was brought into existence, a massive being of scales and fur, branches, rock, and water, snaking its way through the fabric of existence. kazil governs all that breathes, and decides when to cease that breath. an immensely powerful deity, embodying all of nature and governing it with equal love and disdain. to kazil, all must have balance — after all, life and death are each others’ siblings, incapable of existing without one another. one thing perishes so that another may continue to exist, dancing around one another in an endless cycle. 

despite its monotonous, and extremely intimidating demeanor, the giant creature is truly a being of love. it cherishes every single being, even as the life fades from their eyes, and joins their brethren in whatever lies beyond. even so… i never did say it’s a pleasant conversational partner. it has very little understanding of mortals, despite all this time caring for them. what do you mean, most of you delightful little creatures are not enthused to return to the soil, nourishing the next generations with your decaying flesh? you should rejoice, to be part of something so grand! oh, perhaps it’ll never understand…