


9 years, 4 months ago


【 Name 】 Mikael Rodinger 【 Called 】 Rodinger, Ro, Cat
【 Age 】 Looks 28 【 D.o.B. 】 It's complicated
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Orientation 】 Bisexual
【 Western Zodiac 】 Virgo 【 Chinese Zodiac 】 Rat
【 Species 】 Fae 【 Subspecies 】 Bakeneko
【 Danger Lvl 】 ✦✦✦✧✧ 【 Assoc. Danger Lvl 】 ✦✧✧✧✧
【 Status 】 Smitten 【 Theme 】 link a song
46485_J5DojNf0bkNK3Fj.jpg?1475887261 For whatever reason, Rodinger seems to have absolutely no trouble with social norms and idle chitchat. He seems to be at home within large groups of people, and has little problem working his alleged magic with older citizens or children. He can adapt easily in conversation, and isn't thrown off for a loop in most social activities. He's also quite polite, and tends to win people over with relative ease. Then again... there is often something to be said about the charming, polite gentlemen, is there not? It's hard to tell if he's hiding something or not, and if this is all a facade. Perhaps due to his higher education, Rodinger seems to have a rather strange ease to make deductions. He's apparently well versed in literature, and is, amusingly enough, a bottomless well of knowledge in horror movies, for whatever reason. Regardless of such things, he's also capable of thinking outside the box, and often tends to pick up little hints; perhaps due to the fact he spends most of his time exploring and documenting what he's seen for later analysis.

Do not, for even one minute, think that you're ever going to veer the course of thought or actions of this man. He is nothing if not horribly driven. When he sets out to perform a task, he focuses on it, and it is nigh imposible to distract him from it. When he follows an idea or a thought, he's like a dog following a scent, and he will not let go. This often means that he finishes what he starts, yes, but it also often means he has trouble letting go of the past, failures included. Rodinger has severe trouble with boredom. He has to constantly be doing something, engaging his mind in a conundrum, or otherwise pondering or undertaking some sort of task. He is not someone that can be left alone in a barren environment, and will often seek out entertainment, even if it may come at the cost of others.

Rodinger's moral compass is... not really working all that well. At least not entirely, really. Notions and thoughts that could often bother people seem of little consequence to him. He is well aware that one must make sacrifices for the so called 'greater good', and is often amused by the fact that people have a hard time making those sacrifices. All in all, he is most definitely a man you do not want as an enemy, because he will hunt you, and he will hurt you. Make no mistake. Once Rodinger has formed an opinion, it takes nothing short of a minor miracle to get him to change his mind. He's downright stubborn about most things, and will very much sink his proverbial heels in the ground and refuse to move an inch. He can be reasoned with, yes, but even despite this, he seems to have trouble; if he's set his mind on something, he will often go through great lengths to do it, and sometimes... this even means he'll do so at the cost of his friends.


Charisma Kindness
Temper Patience
Intelligence Judgment
Integrity Confidence
Maturity Humour


Addiction: Catnip

Weakness: Water First and foremost is the fact that Schrodinger becomes weakened by the cold, rain, etc. He does not fair at all well in bad weather, and tends to avoid it whenever possible. It could be the fact that given his principal element is fire... that rain, snow and water tend to debilitate him. It's unsure why this is but he stays away from the stuff whenever possible. When caught out in the rain, the effects are quite visibly draining, which he likes to blame on a 'terrible immune system', if he's got company that could become suspicious.

Random: Age Also, I should point out that while he is only 18 years old, that's more than a lifetime for a normal cat! Your average cat tends to live around 15 years, and he's quite proud to boast a full, healthy 18 years of age before his life was ended shortly. As such, despite the fact his age might not seem much for a human, he's perfectly mature for a cat, thank you very much! The human body he's taken and sports is 28.

Random: Scars That aside, despite the fact Schrodinger can forge illusions to 'hide' how odd half of his body looks (both in human and cat form), his powers are not strong enough to 'vanish' all trace of it. When in human form, he covers all of his skin up except his face, because despite his magic, half of his body appears to be severely burned, or scarred under said clothes. In cat form, he can also hide his real 'self', but he still has half of his body severely scarred or burned. He figures it's okay; beggars can't be choosers. He'll take what he can get.
Rodinger appeared in town one day. No one knows where he comes from or what he wants, aside from the fact he had 'business' to take care of there. He doesn't seem to have much of a past, and the way he acts seems to indicate he doesn't expect to have much of a future beyond this 'business' he's conducting in the area, whatever it may be. Those overtly knowing might notice that shadows tend to flicker around him when he's angry, and that sometimes... when he's particularly angry, his face doesn't quite look right; something about his mismatched eyes is simply off. Despite this, he's quite civil, and doesn't seem given to violence unless given a reason to, at which point, all bets at off, for he seems to have the ability to hold lengthy, horrible grudges.

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