Lenora Belle Gärtner



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Lenora Belle Gärtner


►Nora (Most Frequently Called and Associated with by Friends) ►Nora Belle (Elderly, Family, and Close Friends) ►Ruby (Tea), Sweetheart, Dear (Tei)


Appears to look 25 in human years

Date of Birth

April 5




Red with hues of pink, purple, and yellow












Nora Revamp, a little bit more than a year…. oh wow.. If compare it with her old app I go wow– my art got more blinding.. no wonder my eyes hurt lol.. Will put this on OL app soon //papming


“I beg your pardon?”
“A pleasure I’m sure.”
“…Pleased to meet your acquaintance.”
“Would you like some assistance?”
"I wonder how long has it been…”
“The heart moves where the heart wills..."
"Humans are hard to trust.
"How dare you--?!"
"We need to talk.”


►Refined                      ►Feminine
►Judgemental              ► Meticulous
►Sharp                        ►Can be rash
►Sophisticated            ►Almost Candid
►Narrow-minded         ►Conventional
►Critical                       ►Morally Upright
►Serious                     ►Detailed
►Artistic                      ►Sentimental
►Unforgiving               ► Bitter
►Delicate                    ► Intuitive

Lenora is almost poised and elegant at times giving off a refined lady-like aura of elitism in her speech and mannerism. She is also known to be meticulous and detailed especially with arts and crafts, though she does not mind a good enlightened conversation as well.  She has an intuitive sense in things, but rather seeing things in a calculative sense, she relates well with others on an emotional level.  

She is a sharp individual, very keen in a sense quickly picking up other’s attributes and personality by observing them at a glance; however it is due to this trait, she has at many times jumped to conclude various things about others –that may or may not exist - and has a tendency to assume others’ inner traits in according to act to how they behave, believing it reflects their inner nature. This red head tends to judge people by the cover of the book or their appearances at time. And because of this, she has stated many harsh things towards others, not concealing her honest thoughts about others and their actions.

Lenora is typically judgmental of others as she feels people should act accordingly at times, typically finding fault with others and blaming others for their actions and not taking responsibility.  She sees many things in life as either a black or white, right or wrong, as for her, there is rarely a grey area. This Khadroman can be considered a prejudiced one, as she has a strong dislike towards Pandemonians and other races that are known to be enemies of the Khadroman race. Lenora also has difficulties trusting others, including humans, as she is someone who rather not be betrayed by others or be toyed with.  However once gaining her trust, Lenora has a tendency to confide in others and has almost an extreme loyalty towards them, even if the other has extreme faults that she recognizes and at times cannot acknowledge. But despite these faults, if she finds you trustworthy and able to confide in, this lady will disregard those faults.

This lady is normally a level-headed individual in normal situations, but she can be quite scary and spiteful when her emotions are unrestrained and unconfined, as she can be clouded by her overflowing emotions and thoughts.  Lenora has many insecurities and doubts which tend to build up and needs to release them at times, by either complaining to her friends or releasing her stress in tears, which is why she is typically dependent on her friends and family and needs them for support. When angered, she typically keeps her passions hidden from others as she likes keeping her appearance as a lady, letting most of her negative feelings pile up.  However since she restrains her anger many times, she is has known to vent on others or burst out in rage, exploding in a sort of fury towards others.


►The Arts
►Her Friends, Family, her Beloved


►Dishonest People
►Pandemonians & Ishins & Royals & Enemies of her people
►Inconsiderate People
►Immoral People
►Extremely Spicy Food Items

Talents: Making Jewelry, Arts, Gardening, Painting, Singing, Cooking


Lenora was born in the central capital city of Asteria with a Mage class father, who is a blacksmith and the primary caregiver of the family, and Keeper class mother, who typically took charge over the finances and expenses of the family, as her father had a trouble and difficulties with monetary related things.  Lenora has never been outside of the gates of Khadroma’s capital city for the most part of her life, growing up in an environment where the scenery and friends almost never changed.  However it is due to growing up in such a stagnant environment she never felt like her life differed from others or was unique in a way, like there was no purpose in her life except to fit in and get along with the others in society, grow up as a promising lady fit to be wedded, and become a future home caretaker of her family. After apprenticing under her father’s guidance, she was unsuccessful in becoming a blacksmith like her father, as making weapons and armors did not suit a delicate lady like Lenora, and became a jeweler instead due to her skill in arts.

It wasn’t until she met a knight-in-training one day, who was actually a frequent customer of her father’s and came from the outer city of Khadroma wanting to become a gallant knight and to better serve the Khadroma empire with strong beliefs in protecting others in need, when her outlook on life turned better.  Of course the knight's noble heart reached out to her and moved her, as he treated her as if she was special and distinctive from the rest of the ladies.  She fell in love with the Celestial, as he promised her security, belonging, and happiness, once he became a knight. However before they were to be married, Lenora’s beloved fiancé died due to being betrayed by a human whom he trusted and fell into a trap.  He was ambushed by Hellion Celestial as a result, which lead him to his ultimate death. Due to this event, Lenora became distraught over the loss of her loved one and has lost trust in humans and is bent on avenging her loved one by killing of the ones who ended his life and took her beloved away from her.  She in turn despises Hellion Faction and other enemies of Andaeli Celestials, seeing them as threats against Celestials alike.

►She is right-handed.
►She has the ability to make her wings disappear; her wings tend to fade into white fairy dust before dissipating. But her wings are translucent and tend to change color under the light
►She is Tei’s very close friend, and has known him ever since he became a knight.  She trusts him to the point that she is willing to confide in him and be protected by him. Lenora is part of Tei’s backstory.
►May seem cold, distant, and negative with strangers, as she has trouble putting her trust in them
►She hates Pandemonians due to various reasons, as she sees them as enemies. Do not approach her alone if one belongs to this race, as she has a tendency to get riled up and attack them on sight.  Probably Tei or one of her friends will need to be around, to hold her back.
►Lenora can sing, but dislikes singing in front of crowds and such, only amongst her friends and family
►Has different hairstyles, mostly having her hair in an elaborate bun
►Wears glasses when she has to read the fine print of books
►Typically nags and complains a lot.
►She bears grudges, watch out~
►May seem anti-social and unfriendly, but it's because she doesn't trust people.

[Update] Inventory//

Prior Ownership:
Engagement Ring (Current Possession)
Music Box (Current Possession)
Bottled Wilted Flower (Current Possession)
Pendant (Current Possession)

[Log Sequence] Battling//
Contract Availability: Available
Any takers? :iconlazeplz:


  • ACE Spell:
    [ACE] Immortalis Fugacior Papilionem ► (Mana) Using Magic, a large swarm of enchanted butterflies will fly around and spread a magical fairy dust on allies, wrapping them in a cocoon like coat of magic, increasing magic, health, mana, and increase morale. Depending on magic output, caster may end up fatigued and/or pass out.
  • + Additional Spells

    • [ACTIVE] Natura Annecto [14] ►(Grass) User becomes one with nature, using his body as a vessel to work with, he takes upon a different form and can control any wildlife, be it animal or vegetable, to his will. *ALL STATS BOOST 180. **Spell power depends on user's base Magic. ***Element's weakness +50%. ****Once per battle.

      [ACTIVE] Zephyrus Schema [14] ►(Air) Giving up upon his physical body, user transfers his mind into the wind, taking upon an ethereal, immaterial form.  *ALL STATS BOOST 180. **Evasion +80%, Dodge/miss/block +120%, Wind spells damage output increased. ***Damage output depends on user's total Magic. ****Once per battle. *****User will not be able to return to his body if the same is destroyed while he's on Zephyrus form. His body will be defenseless upon this form.

      [ACTIVE] Speculum [10]► (Air) Reverses upcomming hit, sending attack back to the enemy. *DOES NOT work on physical attacks, just magical ones.

      [ACTIVE] Malum Sententia [14]► (MANA) Expanding his mind to the maximum of it's capability, the caster is able to use 100% of his magic abilities, without having to worry about cooldown. *ALL STATS BOOST 180. **All spells can be casted without cooldown, and shall have the extra damage in all of the attacks. If kept for too long, there will be permanent brain damage. ***May not be able to cast any other lvl 14 spell on this state. ****Once per battle (Appearance:Translucident wings of variant shape sprout out of user's back. May or may not be surrounded by light circling lights of variant color that are in constant moviment. Other effects vary greatly, and each user displays a different one.)

      [ACTIVE] Inferno Inspiratio [9]► (FIRE) User creates a ball of fire hot enough to burn like the sun, compacting it to explode in a wide radius to rain down fire. *If magic levels are too low, fire burns out before spell can finish. **Backfire causes heavy damage to user. (Appearance:Red orb that grows and brightens, swirling white-hot flames until exploding and sending small drops of flames onto the area. )

      [ACTIVE] Ailoel [14] ►(Water) Reaching inside himself, user creates a connection between himself and the water around him in all states, His body liquifies and is able to take upon any shape, always keeping water as it's material. *ALL STATS BOOST 180, Spell power depends on base Magic. **Water spells damage output increased. ***Any spell other than electric spells will NOT have effects on target. ****If close to sea/river/large body of water, STATS boost an additinal 50. *****Once per battle. (Appearance: User may cast any kind of water spell and implement it on himself, summons storms, rains and control the nearby water bodies.)

      [ACTIVE] Sylva Cælum [10] ►(GRASS) User can literally bring nature's touch to a certain area and create a forest under his control on top of what was once a desert. *User depletes all their magic, health decreaed upon usage of spell. (Appearance:Making trees grow, vegetation sprout, flowers blossom and even parasites. Everything will answer to his command.)

      [ACTIVE] Fera Informatio [8]► (GRASS) Creates a creature based off a living being or something completely out of the user's imagination to aid on battle/casually. *Can be created from 2 Seeds.

      [ACTIVE] Amicus Fera Controlare [8] ►(Grass) User puts himself inside a beast's mind, controlling it from within with the animal's concent. If the bond is 100% sucessful, the animal will follow the user as it's master until the user decides to break the link.

      [ACTIVE] Turbo Volu [9] ►(Air) Creates a tornado to tear through the enemy. Picks up debris and can knock many foes back while causing damage. Shreds weaker materials, and drops opponents to the ground once subsided. *Spell only lasts 30 seconds. **Only one tornado per battle. ***Overuse causes spell to fail until magic is raised again. (Appearance: Gusts of wind swirl out and rise to lift anything in its path and drop them to the ground upon dissipating. )

      [ACTIVE] Arctos Spetro [14] ►(Water) User coats himself up with ice, turning into an elemental, and freezes down his surroundings and anything inside a 50m area. *ALL STATS BOOST 180. **Fire weakness +200 ***Once per battle. (Appearance: The entire area around the character turns into an icy pole. Shards come up as tall as 20ft, the temperature goes below -20C, all enemies resistance to ice vanquish.)

      [ACTIVE] Coeo Meridiem [4] ► (FIRE) A self healing spell. Efficiency depends on user's Magic output and mental or physical state. Appearance: A light of variant color emanates from the user's hand, sometimes their entire body, and heals a determined amount of wounds, internal and external.



►Magical Staff (Will draw ref later)
►Magical Orb

Stats: 9940 Total
Health: 1740
Magic: 4000
Attack: 1100
Defense: 1100
Speed: 2000

Battling Style: Speed Casting

Lenora is not really a fighter, as she is not aggressive or skilled in combat per se.  Rather in battle she is usually aiding allies as support through magic, as she takes more of a long range to mid-range style of fighting.  She typically stays away from the front lines, as she unable to fight in close quarters and rather controls the flow of battle from the sidelines or in the rear of the infantry. However she is relatively speedy in using and casting magic and tends to use many spells at once against an enemy, as she tends to rather use spells to overwhelm her enemies than prolong battles.

Lenora is not very good at fighting at one-on-one spars or duels unless she is able to keep a safe distance from the enemy and not fight hand-to-hand, lacking physical abilities to attack and defend herself in general. This khadroman is much better at crowd control, finding it easier to muster and overwhelm people with magic than concentrating on one opponent, where most of her flaws in battle can be easily read by others.

She typically keeps a level head in battle. However if furious for whatever reason, she will not hesitate to lash at her enemies or foes without warning, as her anger gets the best of her at times, and she may loose her cool in the heat of battle. This is why she typically is not a soldier or on the battlefield much, as her own emotions can get to her head and cloud her thinking. But she is not a strategist either, as she lacks battle experience and did not train much for combat purposes.



Alternate Clothing/Previous Apps:
►OverLocked Human Lenora
►OverLocked: Oriental Lenora
►OverLocked: Tribal Pand Nora
Combo-Lock: Lenora Belle Gartner Old App
Color Pallete of this app on tumblr

Yeah it's been a while and this girl should've gotten a revamp a long time ago when she maxed out, but she maxed out really quick :iconpapmingplz:

Edits: I only took out the last paragraph in her biography, since OL does not have the Cold War.. But well it make sense even without it. Along with copy and paste spells I put on my Asaroti Meme.. since she's maxed out and yeah should get more spells.

Comments: Otherwise.. look at all of the reds, purples, and yellows.. orz Blinding compared to her old app I made about a year ago..
Took me about 3 days to finish.. because lining took a while some detail here and there.... and yeah being distracted and RP does not help me go fast lol.

Lenora Belle Gärtner & Art  © Rumbl3Fish   |   Paypal Commissions: fav.me/d8a3222 | Point Commissionsfav.me/d7vm76m