


6 years, 5 months ago






Not for sale!

Exploring: Given the boring nature of the upper world, since she started living in the lower world she's always excited to go on any kind of adventure.

Playing pranks on others: She'll never go too far, but she loves to make her friends laugh.

Sewing: She uses this to make her own clothes. Over the years she has become as skilled and quick as a sewing machine.

Summoning abilitiy: As long as she can perfectly imagine the condition of the object currently (where it is, how it's being held or how it's placed, etc.) she is able to summon it in front of her.

Heals quickly: While angels are hard to injure in the first place as their healing abilities are far superior to humans, the majority of Alia's magic is specifically to do with healing.

Ambitious: She knows what she wants and usually understands the fastest way to do so. As such her thoughts are limitless in terms of what she will try and do.

Feels little pain: Due to healing very quickly she doesn't feel much pain when she is hurt.

Quick thinking: She's great at coming up with ideas on the spot (only because she never attempts to make plans beforehand).

Wings are vulnerable: As her seraphim wings were taken from her by Francisci she can get easily triggered if anyone attempted to touch her remaining wings. This leaves her in a state of shock where she can't do anything for a few seconds.

Hand to hand combat: She is physically frail and relies on her magic when fighting.

Loose tongued: Her quick thinking comes with the downside that she'll say what she thinks as soon as it comes into her mind.

Ticklish: She's very sensitive to any kind of touch.

Prejudiced: She has a slight inferiority complex and so judges people as soon as she meets them in order to try and feel better about herself.

Essence manipulation : Alia mainly has control over youth essence, as this is the essence she protects in her fountain. This gives her the ability to slow the aging process of humans. She can also use general essence, which is less powerful, as a form of magic which she can manipulate into objects, use to move things, or as a weapon.

Healing : Her healing ability is limited to everything apart from bringing the dead back to life, not that she is unable to do that but she is forbidden from doing so as she was stripped of that right. Using her essence she can heal both physical and emotional wounds, with more severe wounds taking more effort to completely heal (therefore more time to do so). Wounds which combine both physical and emotional aspects, like a stab wound from an angry friend, take the most effort to heal and only in cases where human medicine would be unable to help them will she take the time to use her magic.

Alia is crippling insecure about her role and refuses to say but wishes she could have been born as a human.

When travelling with Stilts she always prefers to walk so as not to make her feel bad about her broken wing.

Humming to herself

Interrupting people

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Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit.


Stilts ( Friend)

Alia and stilts have a sibling like relationship. She will tend to tease Stilts and is very much in favour of making several jokes at her expense. Despite the teasing, Alia is very protective of her - being the only other angel who is unconditionally kind to her. She feels jealous of Stilts' care free nature and hasn't quite yet picked up on the torment that Stilts and her family have gone through. Alia doesn't understand what it means to go hungry.

Danielle ( Friend )

Danielle is the mother figure Alia always needed - but absolutely not the one she would ever want. She finds Danielle to be a nag and wishes more often than not that she'd stop being right about things when she gets into trouble. Alia helps Danielle to hone her essence manipulation skills and Danielle offers advice (and baked goods) in return. 

Nadia ( Ex-Friend )

Whilst formely on amicable terms, they had a large falling out due to their differing beliefs. They currently view eachother as equally repugnant and Alia doesn't understand how she feels that Seraphim have a greater right to power than any human. She used to have respect for Nadia's abilities and quick progression up the ranks but disdained at the thought that Nadia would have control over the going's on in the lower world.

Franscisci (Franz) ( ??? )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor. Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.