


6 years, 5 months ago


Name Zhuldyz "Zhully" Anara
Age 528
Gender Female-leaning Enby (amab)
Pronouns They/she
Orientation ???
Home Island Balşiq
Role Archivist




  • Claustrophobic.
  • Really likes the idea of writing letters, but hadn't had anyone to write them to for a while so instead they sent them to sea in glass bottles.
  • Loves trying odd or unusual local foods from the places they visit, and will eagerly eat something that others might be grossed out at.
  • Spends a long time each day taking care of their hair, not necessarily in the morning.
  • Isn’t a morning person in general, they prefer sleeping into the afternoon and if they do have to get up in the morning they’ll be grumpy.
  • Loves picking up new hobbies, and has adequate skill in all sorts of unrelated crafts.
  • Their current hobby is making travel brochures about the places they’ve visited. In fact their writing style reveals their true energetic personality so it’s hard to associate the brightly colored, very excited (with extra notes on the side) pamphlets they make with Zhully.
  • It’s difficult to anger, annoy, or surprise them; they just take everything in stride.

Intimidating Immortal


Zhully enjoys spending time with people. They’re the type of person who’d enjoy the company of pretty much anyone, if given that chance. However due to for one, growing up in a very social family where all the reaching out and befriending was done for them, and two, not having actually talked to anyone outside of work for 300 or so years, they’ve forgotten not only how to interact with people but also that they enjoy being social.

Zhully's thoughts rarely show in their expression and they speak as little as they can get away with. Rather than that, they show their feelings through their actions, often through gift-giving. They love getting their friends souvenirs from their travels or feeding them tasty food, in general sharing things which they themselves enjoyed. Their strange taste however means their gifts sometimes scare off the people Zhully was trying to befriend.

Despite how they act Zhully is a bright, cheerful, and unrealistically optimistic person. Not much can get them down, and they’ve partially forgotten what negative feelings feel like. Truely they’re often lonely but don’t realize it so instead of making friends they try to drown it out with learning.



  • chocolate
  • letters
  • family
  • souvenirs


  • talking a lot
  • losing their spot in a book
  • pessimistic peolpe
  • owls


Zhully became an archivist for entirely selfish reasons. Out of all of their large and bostrious family Zhully was the only one amidst many siblings and cousins who had yet to set off and make themselves useful somewhere. And Zhully liked to read and learn and would enjoy seeing the world for sure. Most of all, they would have a chance to see their favourite brother who had gone off to fight in one of the many wars fought by their island's people. Of course they'd stay neutral, no interfering but Zhully's brother could take care of himself, he didn't need his younger siblings to save him.

Or that was what Zhully though, so when they came across their brother's lifeless body they didn't know how to react. They found solace in other family members but soon enough they started dying too. Some from the endless wars, some from sickness, some simply from old age as after all Zhully had chosen to become immortal. And they had chosen to give away their freedom to interfere even on the behaf of those they cared about most.

And that was that. When Zhully's century of observing ended and the rest of their tresured family was long gone they closed themselves off. Why care for others when you will inherently lose them? When you can do nothing to protect them in their moments of greatest need?

No, better to focus on work, on books, on the physical landscape which may change but won't leave you.


Vinar friend

8283546_VSU.png A fellow archavist who originally approached Zhully to ask about some historical war. Zhully enjoys his company and has started to look forward to whenever he comes back with more questions. It's nice having a friend! Zhully brings Vinar lots of souvenirs from her trips, finds him books she thinks he might like, and even seeks out Vinar's company sometimes. Though, she still doesn't actually say much to him.

Skrita friend (?)

1442838?1528427105 Vinar's brother who Zhully gained contact with after Vinar showed her a letter from him. They dissprove of how Vinar ignore's his letters and decided to keep Skita updated on his wellbeing instead. After all, family bonds are precious and far too easily lost.

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