Cinveindath Eveshard



2 years, 2 months ago


A Vetenne - the highest caste in Iah-Yah - of Medirmah, Cinveindath rose through the castes swiftly and violently. With low caste parents, he was sold as an Esponett to a Umersii near Medirmah. After a traumatic and agonizing teenagehood, he came into himself at young adulthood - utilizing his hidden Flame to gather information and use that to earn his freedom and enact revenge on the Umersii in time. Now, he reaps the benefits of wealth, serving as the most secretive of Medirmah's Vetenne yet arguably most influential.

He holds an exceptional soft spot for robots, who he likens to himself and seeks to induce sentience in them, comparing such to his realization that he needed freedom. He's somewhat embarrassed by this becoming common knowledge enough that others have tried manipulating him with offers of smuggled robots.