Basic Info

Base Value


Value Added For Design


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Total Value


Waiting on



5ft 8in



Subspecies:  Horned Arachnid (Cobalt Blue Spider)
Spiritual Gem power: Primary Gem: At will telescopic eyes
Secondary Gem: Draw midair with temporary glowing light

 Natural Poison/venom
 Curved Horns
 Oversied Hair
 Long Ears
 Extra Anthropod Limbs
 Binary gem
 Eye Mutation: Shaped Pupils
 Membrane Wings
 Extra Arms with 3 Digit Hands
 Glitter: Body
 Holographic: Gem, Wings
 Complex Gem Shape: Observatory and Galaxy

Random character notes/ideas for character lore/backstory or something XD

Morea is an astronomer. She is most times absorbed in her work/Studies. she is generally reserved/stoic? when not talking about work. When talking about work you could swear it looks like her eyes are sparkaling with excitement. she normaly enjoys a cup of white mocha coffee in the morning and teas the rest of the day. need to create a lab outfit and a casual outfit for her.
