Interaction Wishlist



2 years, 1 month ago


Alaric and Alex


Ennemies to Lovers to Husbands. They have been rivals all their life but once they realized they didn't have to fight anymore, they grew close and ending up dating (after a weird period of roomates with romantic tension). They are now married with a dog and a lovely daughter. You can draw them in any part of their relationship, during their rival phase or married domestic bliss.

Daughter : Mia
Nikolaï, Acia and Macy

Married Polycule

Nikolaï and Acia: Married Acia and Macy: Fiancés Nikolaï and Macy: Close friends

When Acia and Nikolaï met, it was obvious they shared the same values. However their egos did get in their way and they tend to bicker like and old married couple. Their relationship eventually turned more romantic with time and their soft sides emerged. Macy developped what she thought was a one-sided crush for a while until Acia eventually returned her feelings ! Entering a polyamorous relationship hasn't been easy for everyone but they make it work. Macy and Nikolaï have know each other for the longest and have a close relationship, Macy being a sort of mom friend for him.

Alice and Edmund

Romantic Partners

Edmund is an overconfident Lord and Alice a strong willed maid. They met by pure coincidence in the palace Alice is working at. They very quickly hit it off and started a regular hook up relation everytime Edmund would visit. They promised each other not to catch feelings but.. it didn't really go as planned. Alice was reluctant at first but Edmund being a big romantic was very patient and they eventually fell in love and into a commited relationship. They're both are big flirts and you could say that Alice wears the pants in the relation.

Kairo, Max and Kat

Polyamorous triad

These three people are in a commited polyamorous relationship together. Max is the biggest flirt of them all and loves making their partners blush. Kairo and Kat have a highschool sweeathearts wholesome vibe. Kat is the most responsible while Max likes to drag them into shenanigans. Kairo is always happy to come along.

Icare and Omael

Romantic Partners

Icare is a gambling addict whose life has been saved by his literal guardian angel Omael. They helped Icare get their life back together, though pretty distant at first, they grew to like each other, especially on Icare's part. You can draw them on dates or having Omael scold Icare for his bad habits/protecting him from danger.

Alder and Eoghan

Twin Siblings

These two are twin siblings. Alder could easily be considered the "evil twin". They both care a lot about the other but don't express it the same way. They are opposites but complete each other. Alder is the grumpy twin while Eoghan is the little ray of sunshine. You can draw them bickering or having a bonding moment together maybe. Angst is welcome too.

The Squad

Found Family

Seth - Blake - Lenore - Sonia - Lucian - Alaric

Welcome to the Squad friend group ! They're all rejects of their own werewolf clans and united into their new found family. They are all roomates in a pretty cramped flat all together, but they always stick together and help eachother.

You don't have to draw them all, you can pick the ones who inspire you the most ! They also each have a wolf form if you prefer.

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