Un Plon



2 years, 6 months ago


This is my sona Un Plon.  A parasite under a traffic cone. Not much is known about plon's species other that the numerous tentacles it uses to traverse through its daily routine. 

It is said that the plon can speak but only with the presence of a host. The plon attaches itself to the top of the head of its host, latches its tendrils on and takes control of the host.

Plon has ambition to rule with impunity. a devilish creature without a clue to its minor presence to others, plon schemes toward self-security and domination. Plon is crafty and they use their small body to their advantage. With the cone as their camouflage they can hide undetected even in the most elusive secret societies. 

Other than their wit and element of surprise, Plon is weak and easily foiled. Evolution has yet to grant plons with defensive abilities without a host. It must also be noted that plon is easily persuaded, given that the a grand bargain can be made. 

Plon is actually a side character for Space story and doubles up as my sona.