

Basic Info





Name Meaning

Khronatos - A combination of Khronos and Thanatos: Khronos - A Greek name meaning "Time", name of the Titan God of time; Thanatos - Greek name meaning "Death", "to die, be dying", name of the Greek God of death/murder




Appears to be 14-20 years old; However, he is extremely old




Deep sea, droop ears, pavlova feelers

Personality Highlights

Pessimistic | Asocial | Apathetic | Deadpan | Coy | Condescending (but he tries to be modest) | Ambiguous (similar to his brother) | Quiet | Unusually Calm | Stiff | Stoic | Aloof | Sullen | Brooding | Perceptive | Introverted | Reserved | Outwardly Cruel | Inwardly Caring and Warm | Protective (of friends and family) | Philosophical | Intelligent | Thoughtful | Sentimental | Can be manipulative with his looks | Blunt | Dry Sense of Humor | Occasionally Snarky | Sarcastic | Disciplined | Reckless, but strategical | Somewhat Naive | Eccentric | Fears Abandonment | Idealizes Power


Prince of The Abyss


Warlock - Deathless Pact


[Coming Soon]


Zelos' younger brother, Hel's younger cousin, Arte's friend, Perserato's partial nemesis and love interest

Acquired Through



"Hands of time will wring my neck... Every little moment spells regret..."

After the disappearance of his brother, Zeloreas, Khrona as the second prince of the Itharos tribe would succeed his goals of dethroning the Storm God of the Sea: Kepi Indrani. While he was not as strong as his brother who came before him, Khrona found ways to exceed expectations and "ascend" in his own way. He had created a potion as a catalyst for eternal youth, or what he thought to be as "eternal youth". This potion helped him to escape the clutches of death so that he could continue to experiment with new ways in order to accomplish the goal or maybe hope to find a way to improve the potion and allow him to face the deity himself. However, this potion did not go unnoticed by the God of Time, Nin Kala, who's goal to keep order and Balance among mortals was threatened by this concoction. Nin Kala considered him a "criminal" of sorts for having tampered with the Balance of time by continuing to live despite the fact his time was long since overdue.

When Nin Kala decided to confront the prince, Khrona had already began to notice that something was amiss. Nin Kala revealed to Khrona the source of life cannot be increased by worldly means but instead stretched over a period of time. Nevertheless, the life sustaining source which give Gods their power does increase. The two of them struck a deal that so long as Khrona were able to thwart Kepi Indrani, Nin Kala would stave off his judgement (in other words, Khrona would never die no matter what happened to him: Death could not touch him, but he would remain in suffering through this decision... he could not escape the pain of a lengthy life). Though Nin Kala's goals were left shrouded in mystery for this agreement...

As years passed the Itharos tribe began to diminish slowly into oblivion. Before the tribe met it's end Khrona began a project to immortalize those important to him with granite sculptures. Unfortunately, as he continued his work on the statues he noticed his recollection of distant events fading and he could no longer remember the names of the faces he carved into stone and slowly after even the faces began to fade from his memory. The burden of time was beginning to take it's toll on his body and mind and even his soul. He now looked on a world without luster, ate food without taste, and heard music without joy. Even sadness escaped him. All that remained was frustration. Khrona made the decision to take Nin Kala's offer (made during their agreement that Khrona would not die until his goal was reached) of becoming of the Deep Sea subspecies after the last of his tribe perished where he took his statues to deeper waters knowing that it would preserve them better and in hopes that it would also preserve him as his body was gradually taking a toll from time, the evidence showing in the cracks of his tail. It was a difficult decision for him since most of the Deep Sea tribes did not get along well with the Shallow Water tribes and so he felt there was a possibility he would never be able to return to his old life...

Eventually Khrona met an Acqub, the last of his kind in fact, of whom he befriended after they came to an agreement that Khrona would help him regain the lost society of the proud Acqubs and he was provided many necessary supplies from the land by the Acqub known as Bi-Nasu. One such item included rose seeds which he discovered as a new hobby to grow them. His memories were enough to tell him that the dead deserved flowers, though he could not remember why they deserved flowers and yet he grew them in a secret garden of a particular grotto as if some sort of tribute. As a ruler of sorts over the undead that were neglected by Kepi Indrani, he felt the need to plant the various types of roses for each undead creature that perished and was forced to roam The Abyss. It was almost like a repentance for the tragedy weighing heavily on his heart from lost memories of the past while he continued to tread on with his war against Kepi Indrani seeking the power in order to put an end to the deity of Storm as well as his torment.


✾ Enjoys astrology, forensic sciences and has a fascination with sand hourglasses and music boxes; takes an interest in shell/coral language (the meaning/symbolism in different types of shells/coral; similar to flower language) and sculpts magnificent statues in his free time.

✾ He has a natural affinity with roses which might explain why he greatly admires Areseus (there is a particular cave in the more shallow water region that he has grown a garden of roses with various colours, Bi-nasu being his supplier of roses and seeds. During summer there is a hole within the cave above water that allows ample sunlight in to grow the flowers)

✾ He began to sculpt statues made of granite of those individuals that came into his life that he found interesting. Due to the gradual loss of his memories though, he has began to forget the names and sometimes even the faces of those he once enjoyed the company of leading to his frustration and torment.

✾ Khrona had done research that the deeper waters of the ocean preserved things better and in hopes that it would also preserve himself along with his statues he made the choice to become a Deep Sea Osenyan at the sacrifice of his old life style for the more hostile Deep Sea life. In Lato Deep Sea Osenyan are the Dark Elves to the Shallow Water Osenyan who make up the majority of Lato's Elf population.




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