Cassandra Marglass



2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Cassandra Marglass

Age: 21{at death}

DoB/DoD: 10/31(died on her 21st birthday)

species: Vampire

Sexuality: Bi but she fucking hates everyone

Cassandra is far removed than what is deemed a typical female Vampire. Seeming to take to destroying property and bashing heads in than being the immortal arm candy of some creature of the night. Nay nay, she prefers to bite first and flirt after. Despite her very aggressive stance and off putting demeanor, she is quick witted and sarcastic to a fault. Though her temper is what usually gets her into messes. She is able to survive these encounters because of her ‘beauty’. Though she doesn’t believe she is anything of that Caliber.

 Cassandra has an immediate distrust towards others and doesn’t take kindly to relationships…at first. Though she is by far the neediest and touch starved individual one could ever meet. If one even has the chance to get past her brash nature.One   would even say grossly clingy.

she has a high affinity for sweets, even if consuming those items would only taste like ash. Preferably Halloween candy is her favorite, but chocolate is a close second.

her life as a human is rife with unfortunate perils that would consider to be… unlucky. Even her life as a vampire isn’t as kind as she tried in vain to deny what she has become. But in recent times has learned to embrace it. To take this new chance at life and to bring about the same amount of rage and pain that she so held tightly in her mind For so long. Even if it means ignoring that clawing desire that eats at her heart: to be wanted and desired for what she is. Even if she’s the monster they all made her out to be.