

When they ask you what your favorite moment is, you will say her. You will always say her.

- Caitlyn Siehl

【 Name 】 AJ Graye【 Gender 】 male
【 Age 】 34【 D.o.B. 】 January 2
【 Location 】 The Woods【 Race 】 human
【 Role 】 photographic journalist【 Theme 】 ????
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


Just a kid who loves photography and his significant other.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

[ agreeable | clear-headed | cheerful ]
[ aimless | sarcastic ]
[ indulgent | ridiculous | transparent ]

[ H I S T O R Y ]

AJ Gray lived in a small one-room studio apartment in the city with his single mother. While they didn’t live a particularly luxurious life, they were happy, and that was enough for them.

Unfortunately, while AJ was in early high school, their apartment kicked them out, stating over-capacity as their reason. Rent in the city was steadily rising, so they tried to find someplace cheaper— and you know, that neighborhood over there is pretty cheap, isn’t it? There are rumors of magic, but it can’t be toobad, right? They rented a small apartment on the edge of the Woods, close enough that AJ could still attend his old high school, but far enough that their monthly rent was easily achievable by his mother’s job at a diner. AJ himself found a part-time job working at the local newspaper, mostly running coffee for them and helping format last-minute articles. Eventually, he started taking pictures for them, using his exploration of his new neighborhood to find new stories for the writers while he captured the images in a camera his mother had bought for him for his 14th birthday. Part-time work became a full-time job, and AJ didn’t really see much reason to leave the Woods.

While gathering information on an active case being pursued by the Balance, AJ accidentally bumped into one Désiré Delacroix, who had been trying to establish themself at the Balance despite being a non-Tale. The two became acquainted, and AJ found himself falling in love. A few years and one confession later, the two of them were dating.

AJ wasn’t particularly close to the rest of the Delacroixs, but he did know a lot of things, such as their concern over what had happened to their father, concern over their youngest sibling’s status as a Tale, concern that she might end up involved in the politics of the Woods if they weren’t careful. AJ knew about the contract the elder siblings had made with Scyllus, but not the specific details. Other than that, he and Désiré lived life normally. AJ moved out of his mom’s apartment to rent his own apartment, giving a key to the Delacroixs as well. They went on dates. AJ took enough photos of Désiré to last them for an eternity. They talked about settling down and getting married.

And then Désiré suddenly disappeared.

Multiple trips to the Balance and to the Delacroix home came up empty, though they at least reassured him that Désiré hadn’t abandoned him on purpose, probably. The elder Delacroixs were nowhere to be seen, the youngest being the only one remaining. He feared the worst outcome from their contract.  A sleepless week later, a swan showed up at his apartment, squawking at him and following him around.

Putting two and two together, he didn’t really see much from Désiré for a while— it’s hard to communicate when you can’t speak the same language to each other. He offered the Delacroixs his apartment if they ever needed a place to stay, made attempts to keep tabs on them while he was out photographing for work.

A year and a half later, he finally had his boyfriend back. He’s very happy about that, and helped them get re-settled as a human while getting closer to the Phoenix Nest in general.

Boyfriend has turned into fiancé has turned into spouse. The two of them adopted three kids who had been on their own for years, and AJ is doing the best he can to be a good dad to them.

Désiré Delacroix

[ spouse ]

So very much in love with them. Hey, have you heard about the love of his life? Here's an entire thesis statement about how wonderful they are.

Ev/an Dreschler-Parks

[ child ]

Adores them. Please keep teaching Jeanne pranks this is hilarious.

Naomi Dreschler-Parks

[ child ]

Adores her.

Noah Dreschler-Parks

[ child ]

Adores him.

  • 6'5"
  • gay
  • Likes: [ coffee | photography | puns | especially dad puns | shows featuring single parents ]
  • Dislikes: [ relying on others | capitalism | monkeys | tea ]
  • lives in an apartment with Désiré and the twins + Ev/an when they're around
  • found out Désiré was a swan because a swan kept honking at him until he figured it out
  • thanks, almost spouse
  • wasn’t particularly close to the Delacroixs before the swan incident, but after Désiré was turned back, he became closer to them by way of becoming Ev/an’s co-Dad and basically becoming a Dad of the Delacroixs in general
  • yer a dad, aj
  • got a mug from Ev/an for christmas that says “THESE PUNS ARE ARMED AND DADLY” and he’s just, so proud of it. uses it whenever he gets the chance.
  • also got a shirt that says “OH, CROP” and he loves it so much, guys.
  • when drunk, gets really sappy and has a lot of emotions.
    • once started crying because he saw a picture of a cat
    • once wrote an entire poem about how much he loved Désiré, and recited it to everyone who talked to him

Have you ever considered the existence of alternate universes?

What about parallel universes?

Worlds that co-exist alongside each other, connected only by the existence of certain people,

of certain constants.

No matter how different they may appear to be, there will always be constants that show up to bring about great changes.

The Woods : fairy tale AU

In the suburbs of New York City, fairy tales come to life in the form of magic born into the bodies of people who have been given a role in those stories. These people are called Tales, and their magic ranges from harmless to extremely dangerous. While most of the world views them as exactly their namesakes--fairy tales--the people of New York City know them for the reality that they are, and shun them into the suburbs. As a result, mafias and an independent police force have sprung up, with these Tales at their heads, keeping the peace within the Woods, as the suburbs are now called. Nobody knows if they're a Tale until they've stepped foot in the City or the Woods, and rumor has it that if you try to leave, your powers will be passed on to a loved one instead...

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