

When they ask you what your favorite moment is, you will say her. You will always say her.

- Caitlyn Siehl

【 Name 】 AJ Graye【 Gender 】 male
【 Age 】 21【 D.o.B. 】 January 2
【 Location 】 ????【 Race 】 human
【 Role 】 college student【 Theme 】 ????
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


Just a kid who loves photography and his significant other.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

[ agreeable | clear-headed | cheerful ]
[ aimless | sarcastic ]
[ indulgent | ridiculous | transparent ]

[ H I S T O R Y ]


Désirée Desrosiers

[ significant other ]

So very much in love with them. Hey, have you heard about the love of his life? Here's an entire thesis statement about how wonderful they are.

Puck Goodfellow

[ friend ]

Best friend!! Partner in crime! Does his best to make sure they don't step into any actual crime!

Jeanne Delacroix

[ friend ]

Looks out for them a lot. A good friend.

Emily Afoloyan

[ friend ]

A good friend.

Oz Diggs

[ friend ]

A good friend.

  • 6'5"
  • gay
  • Likes: [ coffee | photography | puns | especially dad puns | shows featuring single parents ]
  • Dislikes: [ relying on others | capitalism | monkeys | tea ]
  • currently studying journalism in school
  • particularly likes photographic journalism
  • puck is his best friend and they will forever embody the dragon bro comics

Have you ever considered the existence of alternate universes?

What about parallel universes?

Worlds that co-exist alongside each other, connected only by the existence of certain people,

of certain constants.

No matter how different they may appear to be, there will always be constants that show up to bring about great changes.

Ingressus : modern (year 2057) AU:

A newly-created virtual reality game called Ingressus (much like SAO without the fantasy elements) allows its users to meet people from across the globe. Several users find themselves with a tarot card in their virtual inventories, unaware that they are personifications of those cards. However, after several hacking incidents from an employee within the company relating to those very cards, another virtual reality called Bao Hu has risen in popularity, and the two are now the dominating games in the field, with many others trying to make a name for themselves.

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