


2 years, 6 months ago


Name Rene

Called Misfortunate Child

Age 17

D.o.B. July 12th

Gender Trans Female

Pronouns She/her

Height 5'7

Build Lean

Species Human

Role Angel's Share "Employee"

Constellation infortunii renascentis

Vision Electro

Local Specialty Silk Flower

Voicelines (TBA)


HTML Pinky

"Not everything may be as it seems, and not everything that seems is."

A transgender female with long, wavy, black and purple hair that is usually pulled back into a ponytail. Usually has one of her master's familiar's feathers tucked behind her ear. A small, red, diamond-shaped earring hangs from her left ear, matching the numerous diamond designs that scatter her outside. She has sectoral heterochromia, affecting her left eye in making the lower section a hazel color instead of brown. An electro vision is attached to the right side of her outerwear.

She's a rather mischievous teen that gets away with scamming drunks in Mondstadt for their items to pawn off for money. Rene is rather friendly and isn't hesitant to take any risks, though puts up a distant and focused face when she trains with Xū Hong out of respect for her master








Rene was born in Liyue to a clan that prided itself in training righteous warriors, though one look at her and her father refused to glance at her any further, stating her eyes "resembled those of misfortune". After a while of seclusion and banishment in the mountains, her mother could no longer handle her child, bringing the six year old up Mount. Aozang and leaving her there with the sole gift of her gold ring before departing to join back normal society again. Rene did not cry or say a word as she watched her mother slowly fade away, sitting on a rock on the top of the mountain before a figure approached her from behind, a crane following close behind.

"Are you lost, young one?" He questioned, a slight concern in his voice. Rene shook her head, pointing to the south before mumbling, "Mommy left me here then went away." A short sigh came from the man before he draped his long sleeve over the child, picking her up and pulling her close to his chest.

"It will rain soon so we shall leave."

And to his surprise, she did not complain, so that is when Xū Hong took Rene on as his apprentice

Liyue: Xū Hong

It was upon the first night Rene stayed with Xū Hong that the scruffy child was gifted an electro Liyue vision, only interupting the Adeptus' thoughts to ask what it was. Being surprised by the child, he promised to help her master it.

Rene grew on the man, acting as her father and helping her dye her hair when she told him about feeling like she's a girl. They had traveled to Inazuma shortly after to visit one of Xū Hong's friends, the deity gifting her a kimono for training. She was Xū Hong's apprentice, and he was her master, helping her dabbled in illusive adeptal arts and attempt to use her electro vision.

Her vision didn't seem to respond until a single night.

It was her 15th birthday when Xū Hong gifted her the ring her mother left for her, yet Rene did not take it well. The teen saw it as an act of betrayal, as if he was hiding something from her, and even though he ensured her he did not, sparks collected on her kimono, the vision that had been dormant reactive to her emotions. She did not understand the appearence of her power, overreacting and hurting herself in the process. Xū Hong had soothed her from this, comforting her to sleep only to come back to her missing. He understood her grief, he had experienced it before, so he waited for her to return with open arms.


After a few days of being a runaway, Rene had ended up in Mondstadt. The environment was very different than Liyue, not as hot as her home either. She had ventured around before being found by a certain red-head, asking what the teen was doing out at night. She had the thought to run, but she was truthful, somewhat, saying she had no where to go and was just walking around. After finding that she had been traveling from Liyue, he invited her to dinner, housing the teen for the time being.

By night, Rene spent her time at Dawn Winery, by day, she spent it at the Angel's Share. She was rather grateful, but couldn't help feeling bored. Once, some drunk had barked at her to come over and play a game, and Diluc was too busy to give the drunk a glare, so she joined. Cheating is a strong word, Rene just used a slightly adeptal tactic to win every game, gaining a few thousand mora from the drunk. Even though Diluc was upset that she had taken part in such activities, he had questioned how she had done it, the girl just shrugging and leaving it up to luck.

After a few months, Rene had asked if Diluc would take her on a trip to Liyue, the man agreeing and taking her the next day. Anxiety rippled through her, scared her master would be upset, yet she couldn't help but cry when the man opened his arms to give her a hug. Diluc and Xū Hong got along, but at the end of the day, her master had told her that this is her life to live, and that she should live among mortals like herself. The girl agreed, promising to visit every few months to update him on her journey.

  • "Not everything may be as it seems, and not everything seems is" is a quote by José Saramago
  • Rene's name means reborn or born again
  • "infortunii renascentis" means misfortune reborn
  • Rene's vision is essentially useless, her electro powers only being channeled when she feels strong emotions
  • Rene has an extremely good memory, memorizing full decks of cards in order to manipulate their orders

Xū HongFather
Xū Hong had raised Rene, and she loves him dearly. She doesn't know where her life would be without him.


Kogarashi ShizuoAcquaintances
She's only seen Shizuo a few times, and doesn't know what to think of them. The tiger is rather kind, yet has a lot of bottled up emotions from what she had noticed. It seems as though he and her dad have complicated relationship, but it has nothing to do with the present.