Gauva's Comments

I could definitely consider art >:0 I'm a tad tent with this dude so I'm mainly looking for trades but if u want to name an amount I will keep it in my brain :3

Thank you for letting meknow :,o
I also have some chars here, but if none get your attention
for artwork i could do 1 fulblody and 2 chbis, or 6 chibis ;> whichever you preffer, or if you see anything else you like from my examples i could tell you how much i could do of that.

I checked through the link but didn't see anyone unfortunately X.X BUT your art offer is very tempting....I will consider and probably get back to you sometime tomorrow :D

Thank you so much :>

HI I AM BACK would u be ok with doing a fullbody and 3 chibis mayhaps ?

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