


6 years, 10 months ago


Personality: quiet, calm, content, distant


  • The Pinnacle crew (deceased)
  • Parasite - life-giver

Info: after being brought back to life, they rarely speak, the reason for this is unknown, it could be due to them being overwhelmed or simply the fact they have no one to talk to, the substance in their suit flows and shifts, they have a weapon in their pack that can create simple, pixelated objects

Bio: An astronaut whose ship was blown apart. The rest of the crew died in the initial explosion but Elliott was in the rear quarters and survived the blast. In a some what lucky incident, they had recently returned from a short trip outside and were still wearing their suit. It wasn't enough unfortunately. Shards of the ship were fired into their suit and as they drifted away from the shuttle's debris, oxygen was seeping through the rips. Alone and afraid, their oxygen ran out and they were knocked unconscious, they eventually suffocated to death.

Days passed as their body drifted further and further out into the deep abyss of space.

After around a week, some sort of parasitic substance eased itself into the suit through the tears and surrounded the body. It used the corpse as a host and essentially brought them back to life. Elliott has memories of their old life and the new life of the creature, both are very vague though and their memory is rather poor.

They don't need to eat or drink and so have no responsibilities at all. They just wander around in the great expanse of space and occasionally visit other planets. Sometimes they get pangs of regret and feel saddened by what happened to their old crew but they feel distant from it, as if they watched it happen instead of experience it first hand. Elliott often dissociates due to the trauma they went through and the parasite becoming apart of them. When they dissociate, they generally just close their eyes and float for a while or, if they've landed, find a quiet place to relax.