


6 years, 4 months ago


Age 2000
Birthday 6th of Irroun
Height 1.84m
Gender Female
Pronouns She / Her
Species Human Vampire
Orient. Bisexual
Status Single
Significant Other N/A
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home Sa'vel
World Arivir
Job Mercenary
Worth 30$
Type Main
Status Active
Creator Skinned611
Layout by Cheeriko
Human, Elf, Avarri, Avia, they all taste the same.

Blue has lived most of her live alone, hidden away by her own doing. She's fairly skittish towards people and prefers to stick to the shadows as much as she can. If you do happen to pin her down into a conversation, she can be outright unpleasant to deal with.

Blue makes the rounds as a mercenary, working for whomever pays her the most for her services. She's commonly associated with the Hounds as they happen to pay the most for her specific skillset. Despite her flashy look, she is very good at what she does, and won't ask too many questions which is also highly appreciated by her employers.


Blue has a very pale, near-white skintone. She has a fairly muscular and athletic build, with long legs. Her hair is nearly always dyed a neon green color, and worn in either a ponytail, or loose and tied back with a thin headband to keep it out of her eyes. Her hair is fairly long, and reaches her hips if it's not tied up. Her eyes are almond-shaped with a bit of a squint to them, and her irises are red in color.

She usually dresses in purple, a simple purple top with matching shorts. Under the shorts she commonly wears black leggings, or fishnets. Her shoes are almost always either sneakers that match her clothes, or black combat boots (nose spikes optional).

Design Notes:
  • Her actual hair color is grey, but she dyes it green.
  • She usually wears a collar choker with a fairly large buckle in the front.
  • She likes putting on make-up, nearly always wearing red or purple lipstick and green eyeshadow.
  • She sometimes wears leather fingerless gloves. Her nails are generally painted black and kept fairly short.


Blue is stubborn in nature, it's very hard for her to let go of something when she puts her sights on it. She also will not, if ever, change her opinion of something, even if she has been proven wrong. In that case she will simply deny she ever thought it of that way. She has issues with figures of authority and following orders placed on her, a result from living her life mostly in solitary. Generally she's defiant against those people and causes more trouble than they will think she's worth, and usually it works. She's also fairly cocky and thinks highly of herself, thinking she can conquer the world on her own if she really wanted to. She usually rejects help offered too, as she feels they'll only drag her down in the long run. She doesn't trust easy and has abandonment issues, so she would rather just stay on her own.

Blue isn't all guns or glory, however. She's actually a huge softie who hides her kinder and caring nature from the world, lest they decide take advantage of her. She's a bit paranoid that people will take advantage of her too, which is largely fueled by a low self-esteem, but only gets worse as she gets more and more tired.


  • She has a fairly light form of isomnia, which she tries to hide behind loads of coffee and energy drinks. However eventually she does experience a crash, and when she does, she crashes hard and essentially falls into a coma for several days.
  • She's trying to learn to draw, to mixed results.
  • She absolutely can't stand small dogs and will most likely kick them if they start barking at her.
  • Her turning was largely an accident as her family was ambushed by a coven of vampires. She was left for dead, just like a few vampired that bled out beside her.
  • She used to be very close with her parents and their death hit her very hard. Later on she was forced to kill her own father, as he never actually died but simply left with the coven that attacked her and her mother.


  • Religious people
  • Summer
  • Crowds
  • Authority figures
  • Alcohol

Skills & Abilities

(minor) Fire Manipulation
Blue has spent some time with a few Avarris that were skilled with fire magic, they taught her how to manipulate fire to an extent and have it not hurt her as much as it normally would. She can also create small flames, about the size of what a lighter would give you. However, this ability does not make her immune to fire, and extended exposure will still be lethal. This also does not alter her weakness to sunlight.


Vestibulum a rutrum dolor. Integer venenatis suscipit magna, sed tincidunt dolor tempor in. Vivamus nisi diam, auctor in ante eget, ultricies lacinia ante. Integer bibendum tortor nisl, et hendrerit est volutpat id. Donec facilisis erat vel efficitur mattis. Phasellus condimentum vestibulum odio eu fermentum. Curabitur malesuada dignissim sem, sit amet malesuada justo porttitor id. Nulla vel eleifend urna, vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent tempor, enim quis egestas eleifend, mi augue vestibulum metus, ac fermentum neque lacus ac lectus. Etiam tristique, lacus eget varius viverra, purus ligula tempor neque, ut pharetra felis enim non velit. Nulla sodales id felis id aliquet. Vivamus ac euismod neque, eu convallis nunc. Nullam viverra erat blandit semper consectetur. Duis porttitor nisl eu dui tempor maximus. Nullam nec arcu congue, ultrices sem eu, dictum turpis.

Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sed porttitor urna. Nullam eu rhoncus ligula. Praesent accumsan urna urna, sit amet varius lacus consectetur sit amet. Curabitur venenatis felis eu efficitur feugiat. Morbi id eros placerat, iaculis dolor sit amet, facilisis neque. Nunc at dolor sed tortor feugiat egestas.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.

Alrenil | Mentor / Close friend
Blue met Alrenil as a fairly low time in her life. She thinks he is a bit of a stick in the mud, as well as being too prim and proper for what he is, which is a leathal killing machine. She doesn't understand why he worries so much about the mortals he surrounds himself with, as well as why he is so law-abiding. She probably won't admit it, but she does view him like the father figure she never really had.
Eydis | Friend
There is a bit of a friendly rivalry between Eydis and Blue. She likes to tease and pester the Avarri from time to time, but it's usually in good fun.
Diabourus | Employer
Blue doesn't know much about Diabourus, aside from that he occasionally sends her away to deliver certain things, or to grab certain things for his boss. She knows better than to ask questions, and the huge frame of the Avarri serves onto to reinforce that idea. Although she also knows that if she just does what she's supposed to, that he's quite a pleasant person to work for. They get along pretty well, perhaps one day they can grab a dink together.
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