Natasha (Anathema)



2 years, 16 days ago


  • Natasha Ahmonry

  • pronouns she/they
  • species suid
  • occupation shopkeeper
  • age 27 years
  • height 4.1 hh

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A very small, very pleasant little pig. Enjoys smiling and laughing, and is fully against laughing at another's expense, or her own. Has a childlike wonderment that she uses to create her toys, and absolutely loves stories. Reads anything she can get her hands on, and believes that she's not very good at creating her own stories. Occasionally, though, she writes children books for the toys she creates. These don't usually sell as well, but she keeps them available. Absolutely loves children, and any child is allowed to come in and play with the toys and read the books, even if they never buy. She loves having partially completed puzzles on every surface (and sometimes the floor). (117)


There's really nothing too impressive about her background. She was born to loving parents, but they loved each other more than they loved the idea of taking care of their children and so the triplets (brother, sister, and Natasha) were given to their grandmother shortly after birth. It was a happy home, and their grandmother was kind. She wasn't especially imaginative, but she believed in fostering young minds and would play games and puzzles (stories others had made up) with her grandchildren and bought them toys and blocks so they could grow together. It wasn't a rich home, nor a poor home - they were commoners, with enough money that they kept collectors away but not enough to bring robbers. Her grandmother is still alive, and goes on journeys with Natasha's brother around the continent. Natasha's sister found a woodworker on the triplets were playing outside, and Natasha shyly watched him work through the window until he invited her in to watch and learn. He was a mage (some poison control), but his woodworking was all done by hand and he officially apprenticed Natasha when she turned ten. When he came to ask permission of her grandmother, they fell in love at first sight. There was some worry from the triplets that she and he would leave them just as their parents did, but there was love enough for all of them. He is not one for travel, but he's slowly building them a home to retire to on the edge on the Sunless Jungle. Natasha took over his home workspace and the connected shop, with his blessing, just a few years ago, when she was twenty four.

Not much has really happened. (282)

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