
2 years, 16 days ago


gentle / cheerful

Name Vel
Age -
Pronouns She/her
Height 150 cm
Species Galy'fleur
Birthday 12th April

taka's chook. taka has a zoo. no dont touch me im emo

  • Anhult's eastern forest (the mountain-forest Taka's mansion is located in) guardian.
  • A kind and lively chook who used to shy away from humans--only emerged in front of Taka after his return in 2021. She had sensed the boy living there had grown into a fine young man and gave her trust to him.
  • And boy did she make the right decision. As he does with all his celestial (magical) companions, Taka showers her with plenty of love.
  • Migrated from the southeast. She adores bananas but it's hard to find them in Anhult (she isn't bound to the forest and sometimes disappears in search of bananas...).
  • Gets distracted... easily...
  • Sometimes she accompanies Taka on his visits to town in her chook form (only appears human when she's home).
  • She calls Taka by his name, in contrast to Taka's other zoo members other celestial companions.
  • Considers Asena as her elder sister figure, Koku as a younger brother figure.
  • She's indifferent towards Taka's husband.
Species traits
  • Masterlist #037 「banana bread」
  • !NOTE!: The flower at the end of her tail is part of her species trait.