


6 years, 4 months ago



☠ ~ General STUFF ~ ☠

★ Name - Tinoch
Pronunciation - Tee-knock
Species - Primordial Evil
Sex - Female
Hobbies - Penchant for emotional torment
Personality - Falsely sweet and flirty. Childlike with unparalleled cruelty
Abilities - Hellmouth creation and manipulation
Eye Color - Hot pink, her eyes have a second set of lids that are teeth
Age -As old as the known universe
Height - 3 feet
Weight - 66 lbs

☠ ~ Overview ~ ☠

The youngest kin of the Seven Seals, child of the Dark Lord, and arguably the cruelest of the lot. Tinoch is an ancient entity of unspeakable power and terror... But she doesn't act like it! She has an extremely childlike demeanor befitting her physical appearance. She loves to play but her idea of fun is always at the expense of others. She has a habit of saying the most vile things about a person and demeaning them but delivering it in the most cutesy and almost innocent sounding way that is so off-putting you may not even notice at first. Her voice is so soft and sweet and way she carries herself are strangely adorable. She's always giggling and almost always smiling, and has an immensely outgoing and energetic personality. She's so hyperactive that she can't sit still, even when standing she is always bobbing back and forth or swaying, and when she sits she is constantly shaking her legs with excitement. She dreams the most of the three children, allowing her to alter the living world more than they do. She enjoys her strength and godhood more than her siblings, and seems to never grow bored of it. Turning mortals into her slaves and toys is her favorite thing to do. A master of emotional manipulation, she whispers sweet words into ears and acts super flirty or charming only to turn around and beat the hell out of you! She can warp and break reality as she sees fit so can pick and choose when you'll 'die', in essence she can abuse you and use you in any way she wants without consequence. No matter how much physical harm she brings to you, your body is like clay she can meld back to form and repeat her tortures until she is bored. Your mind however can never be healed. All who have ever heard the voice or felt the touch of Tinoch have had their mind and soul completely broken beyond repair.

Tinoch has been sleeping since her conception, but just like her brother and sister her powers are so immense that her dreams break through the fabric of the universe slipping into and altering reality. Across countless planets there exist records and reports of strange events deemed Hellmouths here on Earth. Mysterious holes unearthed or discovered that seem to act as gateways into other worlds or the afterlife, producing heat, and sometimes even reports of demonic voices from within. Science has struggled to ever find an explanation for these occurrences. The truth is they are mouths generated by a sleeping Tinoch, with which she can slip into the mortal realm and raise literal Hell. Hellmouth reports are very scarce because almost none who have an encounter with the child ever live, or are sane enough to tell the tale. Throughout countless planets and alien races over millennia there have been unexplained mass murders and seemingly random eruptions of violence resulting in dozens of casualties, these were by her hand. Her voice and charm alone has the ability to sway people to do her bidding, whether it be with promises of something in return, or just driving people insane. There are a great many accursed words that only Tinoch's tongue can produce, that when heard by mortal ears induce immediate psychosis. She sometimes enjoys following one person throughout their entire life whispering these words to them completely breaking them, their soul carries the weight even after death. There are some who believe Schizophrenia in some rare instances, is actually cases of latent clairvoyance or people more susceptible to interaction with extra-dimensional entities such as her. Though none living know of her existence, it is curious that so many diagnosed seem to express the same visions and interactions with one another that she puts them through.
5622736_cRuXpQy6TPoDo48.pngHer Hellmouth manipulating powers can be used to great offensive range. She can use them to displace her voice and make it impossible to tell what angle she's going to attack from. They also act as portals that she can summon a seemingly limitless amount of, allowing her to set traps around a battlefield she can deliver surprise blows from. She is very forgetful though and in the heat of the moment has a habit or forgetting what her battle plan actually was, so avoids complicated maneuvers lest she will slip up. The Hellmouths can act as direct portals to anywhere in the universe, so vacations are really easy. It's unknown where the mouths lead to, but matter can be extracted from them that she's previously consumed. She has eaten some people who when spit up millions of years later, had not aged even slightly. Tinoch actually does have a bit of a soft spot, if someone is good enough to her and it isn't out of just fear alone she may favor them enough to keep them as an immortal pet. These unlucky few never have the luxury of her destroying their soul into nothingness or erasing them, they're doomed to an eternity of her presence and affection. She also seems to like animals quite a lot, but she prefers them dead and demonic. Her fascination with turning people into essentially animals on a leash is probably related to this. Tinoch has an extremely rapid-fire way of thinking and changes subjects a lot. She just has so much to say! To get around this she likes to create Hellmouths that surround whoever she is speaking to and produces a second one-sided conversation from that, multiplying them explonentially til she can carry dozens of topics at once. Tinoch is very hard to anger. She's generally always chipper, but the one thing she can't stand is people who demean her based off her physical appearance of age. She hates to be compared to or called a child, and especially hates to be compared to her siblings. It is true, that she is physically the weakest of the three but she hates to be reminded of it. Her brother is a constant reminder of it and killjoy with him being the strongest, as well as polar opposite of her in personality. But Tinoch absolutely adores her older sister Luciiand idolizes her in many ways. Her sister is a succubus, albeit begrudgingly. Tinoch in a desperate attempt to be more like her big sis sometimes acts way too overtly flirty and it's very weird.

☠ ~ Yes yes YES!! ~ ☠

Cute things
Pop music and idols
Dead / ghostly animals
Torture, mostly emotional
Ice cream

☠ ~ No no NO!! ~ ☠

Being little ★
Love stories
People prettier than her
Religions not worshiping her

☠ ~ Inspiration ~ ☠

Much of her physical appearance borrows elements of her father, only anthropomorphized. Her head shell is most noticable. Her Hellmouth abilities are derived from classic religious as well as modern day contemporary takes on the concept. The more modern incidents of her affecting the living are inspired by things like the infamous 'Well to Hell' hoax, and her ability to create an endless void that prolongs life is inspied by 'Mel's Hole'. Her use of words only she can pronunce, that induce immediate madness in all who hear it is an obvious Lovecraft homage. Her name is a combination of teeny and Enoch.

☠ ~ Relationships ~ ☠

1600191?Lucii -
Tinoch's older sister, and best friend! Tinoch absolutely idolizes her and loves her to bits, she loves both her siblings, the only creatures in existence she cares that way for, but she loves Lucii lots more... She's always excited raising hell but when she thinks about being able to share what new ideas for terror she came up with with her sister later, the excitement levels just go off the charts! Tinoch is the weakest of the three kids, so Lucii protects her whenevver Krabaddon gets aggressive. Lucii is always very encouraging and praises Tinoch even for little things, which makes her so happy. Tinoch tries to be the same but she's too impatient to ever read Lucii's writings to review them. Tinoch completely idolizes Lucii in every way, and practically worships the ground she... Uh, floats, on. She hopes she can be just like her one day! Even physically, since she hates how short she is. She has a gross habit of imitating Lucii's risqué mannerisms which are very awkward, for everyone!! Lucii isn't even aware she does those habits so always asks what the heck Tinoch is even trying to impersonate.

1781709?Krabaddon -
Tinoch's older brother, and huge role model! She loves Krabaddon soooo much and thinks he's the coolest freaking thing, she emulates him a lot whenever she's not emulating Lucii. She's overtime harbored elements of both of them into her mannerisms, for better or worse. Tinoch surprises even him with her boundless creativity when it comes to sinning and horribleness, and the two like to work together to spread turmoil and mayhem to innocent mortals plunging worlds into despair. Tinoch really is Krabaddon's biggest creative outlet! When the two work together they are honestly really cute, it's a shame that can't be all the time because most of the time he bullies her relentlessly. Lucii gets the verbal and emotional abuse but Tinoch mostly gets the physical, he likes to punt her around like a ball, but the two also enjoy getting in wrestling matches just for the fun of it. Despite how much fun she has with Krabaddon, Tinoch is honestly very afraid of him and prefers the company of Lucii most of the time.