Kai Uchida



2 years, 8 days ago


 Kai Uchida


age: 24

Nationality: japanese 

The son of a Security Firm‘s CEO. Affectionately known as the “Prince of Uchida Corp.” He’s been working at his father’s company since he was 18, and doesn’t see much of anything else for the rest of his 20s and beyond. 

Likes cooking, and thinks it may be his passion, but is trapped in an endless cycle of trying to please his parents and escape from the “world” they raised him in. Feels stuck.

Personality: quiet and reserved, as he was pretty much raised to only speak when spoken to in a household ran by his disciplinary and bullheaded father. He takes jokes much too literally and can’t always understand when one is being made; can’t smile on purpose without looking murderous, and too sarcastic for his own good. Despite looking “cool,” and being perceived as such, attention from women flusters him horribly. 

Is sometimes mistaken for Yakuza, with his long hair, cold face, fancy car and constantly wearing expensive suits.
