CSS: Flexible Boxes
8 years, 7 months ago


Feel free to use the layout, you're free to modify/use parts of it as you see fit.
* Newer features added after this has been posted may not be styled, and/or if any class names etc. have been changed then things may be broken. I won't guarantee I will keep the code updated.


character css
matching profile
sample profile HTML for boxes (also included in the CSS's comments)

If you've made the necessary changes for boxes to show correctly, please put the code from the third link in the Profile box (turn off WYSIWYG if you have it on) and fill in the indicated sections!

!usage notes! please read

As you can see I've coded this so that you can create as many fake profile sections as you like!
Instructions for how to do this are under Options in the code (ctrl+f "Options" to find them).

In addition, I've separated out the parts you can change to:
- change header background image
- change background colour/image

Things to note about the default settings:
- You cannot create profile boxes by default! Please read my comments and change the required parts first!
- I'm not sure how Georgia displays on anything other than Windows so no guarantee there...
- You could technically do background images on most of the headers, but I haven't included anything that makes it easy because some of the header blocks are fake and can't be backgrounded.


1. Basically I had a nostalgia trip looking at LJ layouts for inspiration and wanted to do something similar since I used to use LJ a lot for managing text...

2. For character pages I'd recommend getting rid of the character stats if you don't need them because they make the layout look really bad, but I wanted to have them in by default.

.character-stats { display: none; }

3. yes the name is a reference

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