
6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Kotori
Nickname: Lady of The Fox, Fox Demon
Age: 1172 years
Gender: Female (she/her)
Likes: Pendants, lockets, generally pretty things, fabrics
Dislikes: Being trapped/controlled/taken advantage of, selfish people, fate and inevitability, humiliation

Kotori is a kitsune (fox demon) who stands slightly above average height at 5'6 (168 cm) and has a petite/lithe build. She has dark skin and narrow honey-coloured eyes. Her hair is a slick silver, flowing down to the small of her back--though it has been shorter and longer before. She often either has it down or tied up in a messy bun. She has a litany of markings adorning her body, most prominent ones being the markings under her eyes. However, she also has markings on her body spreading upwards like vines. These markings have mostly come naturally from age--some have been given to her as gifts or she's given them to herself. 

Kotori only has six tails due to being younger than the nine tailed foxes and also less experienced. She often keeps her tails hidden for when she wishes to leave the forest she resides in, but a phantom version of them can be seen when she is casting a spell. She typically only has her tails out for comfort when she's alone or if she trusts someone. She can also often be seen with a long smoking pipe which she entertains herself with from time to time. 

She is extremely shameless and lively, holding true to the stereotypes surrounding her 'species'. Though she can be serious and intimidating, she's more often than not joking around and playing pranks on innocent passersby. She can be described by those who make deals with her as cocky, conceited, and 'not demon like at all'. She's easily bored and will often find fun in making jokes of people's wishes though she can sometimes be nice if she feels like it. She is not a woman with a golden heart nor is she the type to develop a soft spot easily. She is very much a person who does what she does simply because she wants to--what she wants to do just so happens to involve granting wishes for others. 

She lacks any sort of shame and finesse, uncaring if people see her when she's 'indecent' and often using her human form to her advantage if there's something she really wants. She's loud, boisterous, and overall disruptive, often seen as the deconstruction of what a kitsune truly is--refined, quiet, wise, intimidating, and moderately playful. She rarely ever comes off as intimidating, the horror attached to fox demons being something she's not interested in; however, she can get extremely hostile and nigh monstrous if disrespected too much or if her soul (kitsune ball) is taken from her. She dislikes servitude and owing favours, hating the feeling of being controlled or tied down to serve the whims of others. Those who have, in some way, enslaved her are typically punished by her when she finds a way out--they often don't live to tell the tale or they're driven mad by her. 

Kotori, though she lacks a soft spot, will occasionally drop her trickster act if one's wish interests her enough. Having lived for a long time, she's had many experiences and though jaded by many of them, she can sympathize with mortals at times. If the wish is enough to trigger a response from her, she very well may offer her full assistance--also known as temporary servitude--to grant one's wish.

Kotori was born in the middle of a forest to two kitsune spirits before their ascension. For the most part, she was perfectly able to take care of herself or people from the nearby village would leave 'gifts' for her as if knowing what she was. After she was able to take on a human form, Kotori began to practice keeping that form which allowed her to communicate easier with humans and travel freely. She was soon able to keep this form on a nigh constant basis and often found herself becoming the advisor or saviour of many humans. Outside of the gifts, offerings, and wishes she would grant, Kotori has also been hunted down and ostracized multiple times. Her physical form does not hide this and she can recall most times it's happened. She has experienced what it's like to be a slave to mortals multiple times and has had her soul or territory tampered with on multiple occasions. 

She can admit to many 'mistakes'--though some she may not be that ashamed of--she's made in her past. Despite her many experiences, she's still not afraid of mortals, especially the ones from the village by her forest. She finds a sense of solace in their respect and dependency on her and she finds joy in the small remnants of her adolesence littered about the village. Now, she grants the wishes of mortals whether that be power, money, love, second chances, whatever they may come to her for. Of course, she doesn't do this for free and she often finds herself in situations where she and her 'client' end up haggling and negotiating without much progress in sight. Though not as social as she was in her adolesence due to the changing times, she still will occasionally stroll through the village merely for nostalgia's sake. 

Extra Information: 

Kotori often asks for things in return for granting wishes, however, she can be exceptionally giving and uncharacteristically kind when given a genuine gift. She's very simple, however, and doesn't have a lot of preferences when it comes to gift giving. She'll take lockets, pendants, fabrics, and even new smoking pipes and kimonos. If she likes the gift, though she'll appreciate it nonetheless, she'll grant you a small wish--like money, bountiful harvest, protection, etc. Depending on how much she likes you/the gift, she may even agree to serving under you for a period of time though she won't serve for a long time. At most, you'd have her for a year. 

Like most kitsune, Kotori owns a Kitsune Ball which contains her soul. The worst thing someone could take from her is her kitsune ball for if they possess her kitsune ball, they have full control of her. However, in the past and even in modern times, she shows little mercy to those who attempt to tie her down and enslave her. If someone were to take her kitsune ball and she did end up catching them, they'd have hell to pay. Though extremely tolerant of the actions of others and nonchalant, she has no room for empathy or sympathy towards those who try to take advantage of her. For her, and other kitsune, a kitsune ball is her most prized possession--for obvious reasons.

Though Kotori grants wishes, she has a single wish of her own. In her life, she's encountered many different people. Most are blinded by personal greed and wish for menial things like money, power, riches, etc. However, she's also met those who are only driven by passion and desperation, those who wish for things that don't matter to Kotori personally, but in their short lives, matter more than anything. Whether it be second chances, a final 'I love you' from a departed loved one, or even the curing of a terminal sickness, Kotori has met a handful of people who appear to be genuinely driven by the awareness of how temporary their lives truly are. She wishes to, for once, experience that urgency. Kotori herself has lived for centuries and will live for centuries longer--she has little to worry about or yearn for. However, people rarely live for a single century and, in their awareness, they wish for repeats and miracles, things that Kotori herself has never truly worried about. 

Kotori's worst fear is being trapped or losing control. Kotori, being a kitsune, is naturally a lady of freedom and mastery. Her favourite thing is the fact that, because of her power and advanced knowledge, she is constantly in control. But there are times where she can lose that and that's what she fears most. She hates to be fooled or tricked, given ultimatums, or put in situations she can't escape from. She hates being in boxes and she hates to be stagnant. Anything that doesn't scream "I'm a powerful lady of the God, Inari, and nothing stands in my way" terrifies her. All she has, after all, is her power and her knowledge--little else.