


2 years, 1 month ago


longing for the sea...
"I like how the water feels; it's nice."
full name
Late 20s
Male (he/him)
Great White Shark
A shark, who regularly goes to the beach to surf, misses the sea dearly after being forcibly expelled from his own kind. Despite the circumstances, he would surf for hours simply because he genuinely enjoys it there.

The thrill of riding a wave, feeling the power of the water beneath him, brings him a fleeting sense of freedom that briefly eases the weight of his displacement.

When questioned about his dedication to surfing, he simply smiles and says, "I like how the water feels; it's nice." In the embrace of the sea, he rediscovers a sense of belonging, even if only for a little while.
With every ride on a wave, Tar feels a connection to his past. The sea, once his home, now remains a place he can only visit as a visitor, unable to fully belong. Yet, the thrill of catching the perfect wave brings him a sense of freedom and joy that he can't find anywhere else.

The surfer's presence at the beach has become a familiar sight, and the local community has grown to accept his unique identity. They respect his passion for the sea, recognizing the beauty of his unwavering love for surfing despite his bittersweet connection to the water.

In those fleeting moments, he forgets the loneliness he sometimes feels, as the ocean's embrace becomes a comforting reminder of his old home.

One evening, while gazing out at the setting sun, a young surfer approaches him and asks, "Do you ever wish you could return to your hometown?" As simple as the question is, merely reminiscing about home, Tar simply looks at the sunset.

The surfer pauses for a moment, reflecting on the question, before replying with a wise smile, "Now and then, I do miss my old place, but no, for every journey has its purpose. I found something equally precious—the love for the ocean and the joy of riding its waves. This connection, this feeling, is what truly matters."

The younger nod respectfully, and they continue to enjoy the quiet moment for a while, as the sun finally sets.
click on the image for better quality.
design notes
  • Scar on his forehead.
  • There is a lot of scar on his back if you drew him clothless
  • I will draw him again soon lmao HE NEEDS MORE ARTTTT RAAGHHHHHH
  • He was an old OC that I created back in 7th grade! Time flies isn't :,)
  • Lives with a puppy named Momo!
  • Momo was the one who saved his life, he's forever grateful to her.
  • baby shark do do do do baby shark do do do do baby shark do do do do baby shark