Vaki Keen-Eye



6 years, 4 months ago


【 Name 】 Vaki Keen-Eye
【 Age 】 28 Years
【 Pronouns 】 He/Him
【 Species 】 Takin Hybrid
【 Alignment 】 Neutral Good
【 Occupation 】 Waiter/Server at a bar
【 Orientation 】 Demisexual
【 Theme 】 "Odds Are" by Barenaked Ladies
"Damage Control" by Unlike Pluto


  • Being useful
  • Apples
  • Cooking
  • Hosting gatherings
  • Writing
  • Reading

  • Jump scares
  • Dark places
  • Being alone
  • Flying
  • Roaring/large fires

Writer, observer, the 'mom friend'. Quiet, skittish, kind, tired

He tends to be the friend that folks go to for advice and for a shoulder to lean on. Vaki is more than willing to make a pot of tea or some hot cocoa, fix some food and listen to whatever might be upsetting his friends. Constantly volunteering as the designated driver, always prepared with needed items stashed in his 'man purse' and always seeming to have a snack on hand, he has been jokingly referred to as the 'mom' or 'dad' of the group. Vaki, who finds this amusing and accurate, has embraced the titles with open hooves and a friendly reminder to "put on your coat, it's cold outside".

He has constantly reoccurring nightmares and because of these, he is always tired.

Writes poetry and sometimes short stories. Loud noises easily scare and startle him. He enjoys sitting quietly, drinking something hot while writing on his old typewriter or with his quill and ink pot.

Physical Description

His horns are short, curving around his ears and forward in straight tapered points, the tips curve downwards ever so slightly. His horns are a dark grey and lightly ridged with spirals. His ears look like an elongated horse’s and sit just below the horns on his head.
When he was young he carved designs into both of his ears. On the outside of both ears, he carved sharp triangles pointing up, like a staircase, from base to tip. In the center of his left ear, he carved a rough spiral design.

His remaining eye is large and gold in color, kindly looking. But most people are too busy staring at the scar that covers his entire left eye, to notice much else about his features.

He is covered head to hoof in short wavy fur. His fur ranges in the browns and light tan/sand color. The fur on his head is a little longer than the rest of his body and just as wavy, though the coloring doesn't differ at all. His tail is short and stumpy, like a deer tail and follows the same sandy color as his body fur.