


1 year, 11 months ago



Age: 29

Gender: Male

Species: Faerie

Sign: Leo

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Nobility; apprentice in family business


At six feet, Caelhim is slightly above average height; he has a slim, athletic build, evidence of regular exercise and a healthy diet carefully crafted by his family’s kitchen staff. His skin is a light, muted blue, and his hair is a mess of white curls, slightly cool-toned, cropped just around ear length.

His eyes and wings both appear black in dim lighting, but sunlight best reveals the many colors that glimmer off of them, dominated most by violet, blue, and turquoise, with hints of the rest of the spectrum when the light hits them just so. Like the iridescent beetles that certain traits of his take after, he has a firmer, more opaque layer of wings above the soft, supple wings used for flying, although they are not as rigid as a beetle’s, nor are they shaped in the same way.

Like most nobles, Caelhim wears fine clothing of a variety of patterns and fabrics. He typically favors gold over silver, as it reminds him of the springtime, but in terms of colors, he often leans towards cooler hues. His ears are pierced, and he usually wears some type of jewelry in them, as well as the occasional bracelet or necklace.

Cael has a couple of scars, evidence of his recklessness - a thick, raised scar across the palm of his hand from an accident playing with swords when he was a child, and a longer, shallower scar on his arm from fencing practice.


  • getting out of the house
  • meeting new people
  • having a drink
  • adventure! fighting! (or at least, he likes the idea of it)
  • long walks
  • apples


  • being cooped up
  • getting dragged to boring parties
  • studying and most reading (the occasional adventure novel is okay)
  • playing piano
  • being ignored
  • being treated like he’s still a child
  • overly salted foods


friendly  ¦  caring  ¦  brave  ¦  generous

extroverted  ¦  self-assured  ¦  curious  ¦  naive

rebellious  ¦  obstinate  ¦  envious  ¦  restless  ¦  moody


Pre-Birth and Childhood

Long before Caelhim was born, his mother and father had another son, a charming and bright child named Victor. Victor grew into a clever young man, seemingly perfectly poised to take over the family business.

The noble family was not by and large militarily inclined, having owned several successful orchards and vineyards for several centuries, but Victor, like a small handful of their family before him, had decided to become a knight. There was some contention to this decision, of course. The business needed a successor, and that role rightfully belonged to the firstborn - both a privilege and an obligation. But even with the business aside, his parents adored him, and it worried them to think of their boy facing danger. But eventually, they acquiesced, sending him off to military school. From there, Victor joined the ranks of the knighthood. He promised them that when he grew older, he would retire from his heroics and take over the business.

Victor died at the age of 38, three years after the birth of his sister, twenty years before the birth of Caelhim. The parents grieved and grieved for many years, a shadow forever cast on the family. Dahlia, their secondborn, was raised in the darkest of this shadow, her parents' sorrow blemishing what should have been a happy childhood.

However, by Caelhim's birth, time had eased their pain to a degree, and his own childhood was considerably less morose. Perhaps recognizing that their grief had wronged their first daughter, they sought to give Caelhim a gentler, happier upbringing. And in their moments of weakness, on darker days, Dahlia did her best to step in and shield the child from their parents' depression.

The couple’s third child had a relatively happy childhood, largely oblivious to the tragedy that had preceded him. He did hear about Victor at various points, of course, but it did not strike him as a cautionary tale; rather, the older brother became not unlike a legendary figure in Caelhim’s mind, a brave knight, handsome and beloved and fearless. Caelhim already loved to neglect his boring studies and venture from the house, into the orchards where he pretended to go on great quests like the ones he’d read about in storybooks. Victor must have gone on many harrowing adventures, he thought.

Adolescence and Adulthood

Caelhim’s mother and father worried about his interest in knights and battle and such grand dangers, but it seemed a normal fixation for a small boy. But as he grew older, his interest didn’t wane; it did not expand to more mature or subdued goals. School did little to hold his attention except to offer him new people to meet, although he did enjoy more athletic subjects.

Maturing into a young man, Cael poured himself into physical activities: fencing, archery, and other sports. Subjects that pertained to the operation of his father’s orchards, however, were received much less favorably, least of all mathematics. He begged his parents to allow him to receive some kind of military schooling, but this request was met with a flat refusal each time, as well as the threat of cutting him off from both his allowance and inheritance. Caelhim hardly thought this fair; after all, his older sister was incredibly bright, and she seemed perfectly willing to take over the business. Or there was now Naimie, his baby sister - while she was still only a toddler, she would someday surely be just as capable. But his father insisted that Dahlia could not run things alone, nor could Naimie. All their children would be expected to contribute, and absolutely none of them would be permitted to take on the mantle of such a dangerous career as knighthood. Their father would be quite sure of that.

Almost as if to reinforce their father’s determination that she could not be the sole inheritor of the orchards, Dahlia married a handsome celestial man while Caelhim was in his early twenties. While she still trained in the day to day proceedings of their family’s business, she could no longer be guaranteed to devote her time to it, as she was obligated now to help look after her husband’s business as well. While Naimie grew older and Dahlia grew away from them, Caelhim took to spending long afternoons outside of the house whenever he could, venturing either into the city or out into the woods.


  • Ellera - mother
  • Raoult - father
  • Victor - older brother (deceased)
  • Dahlia - older sister
  • Naimie - younger sister


  • short sword
  • dagger
  • coin purse containing his spending money, some miscellaneous seeds, and a pretty rock with a hole in it that he found
  • a small, palm-sized enchanted mirror for communication


  • Fencing
    • This is the closest he’s been allowed to come to any kind of physical military training, and it is probably his most passionate hobby.
  • Archery
    • His next favorite pastime after fencing, especially when he wants or needs to be alone. Considering his connection with animals, Caelhim does not hunt, so he has had very little practice at moving targets. Aside from that, he is quite good.
  • Gardening
    • While this isn't especially unique for a member of the races that are innately talented in nature magic, it is a pastime he shares with his mother and younger sister. This is one of the few quieter activities that brings out Caelhim's (admittedly limited) patience.
  • General Knowledge
    • Caelhim has had the benefit of extensive, quality higher education, and he is well-versed in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history, as well as having dabbled in various art forms and the appreciation thereof.
  • Piano
    • His parents required him to learn, and despite his best efforts to shirk these lessons, he is rather decent at it.


Caelhim currently has only moderate interest in furthering his skills in magic, but because of his mandatory tutelage, he has at least a decent grasp. That said, he does enjoy using what he does know, even if he doesn't imagine himself particularly magically-inclined relative to other fae.

  • Green Thumb
    • Can make plants and fungi grow at a significantly advanced speed.
    • Can assess the health needs of plants and fungi with ease, and can heal them to some extent, granted they are not too far gone.
  • Flora Animata
    • Can make small plants and fungi move unnaturally according to his will for a limited time. This is understandably quite hard on the plants, which he would then have to help recuperate if he wanted to ensure their continued health.
  • Natural Communication
    • Can communicate with plants, fungi, and  willing animals. Sometimes things are lost in translation.
  • Shapeshifting
    • Can make small changes to his normal appearance - look human, etc.
    • More complicated shifting can only be done in a limited capacity - predominantly creatures the size of a large house cat or smaller.


  • Slight aversion to iron.
  • Ability to fly and hover through faerie wings.
  • Affinity for nature magic.
  • Can be controlled through use of their true name.
  • Can hide wings by reverting to a more mortal form.
  • Inability to fly if wings are wet.


  • Heightened powers at dusk and dawn.
  • Ability to manipulate plants.
  • Ability to turn small. +
  • Shapeshifting.
  • Ability to communicate with animals.


  • Strong aversion to iron.
  • Decreased powers after elongated periods without social interaction.
  • Difficulty lying.
  • Incredibly enamored by shiny things.


  • While he is far old enough to be out of secondary school, his parents have had him continue private tutelage in various branches of academia, as they believe is befitting of a nobleman.
  • Occasionally, something comes up in the study of history, science, or magic that he actually does find somewhat intriguing.
  • He has a very positive relationship with both of his sisters.


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