Areal's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Xenryft Global Rules
Little things to remember!

-Once the design is yours it's yours to do what you want with in regards to gifting and re-trading. I have no right to revoke the design from you once it's yours.

-Redesigns are 100% okay! My only wish is to keep them at max half(ish) recognizable to the original (or, if others have redesigned) or last design update. Only exceptions to this is if the character is obviously based on something copywritten and you would like to get rid of those features. (In fact, I recommend doing so on my older designs!!)

-You may only resell them if you have originally purchased them for that price! That means no scalping (I.E. Flip a 5$ design into a $30-$40 etc price) please! Personal art can count as additions to the value, but don't make it ridiculous!