


8 years, 7 months ago


"Procuring an effective potion isn't simply magic."

crabby . serious . erudite . bookish . secretly kind

■ Age 20
■ Height 5'11" ft | 180.3 cm
■ Weight 130 lbs | 58.9 kg
■ Gender Male
■ Orientation Demisexual
■ Status Single
■ Occupation Travelling Alchemist & Potion Vendor
» (occasionally joins parties)
■ Species Bookworm
■ Breed Samusky Dog

■ References 「 1 」「 2 」

creator 「miermir
About Rosaire


A gifted and intelligent alchemist who came from a religious family. Despite being an alchemist Rosaire is quite pious unlike most who don't believe in an omnipotent "God". While he hasn't given up his faith, he chose to still practice alchemy despite the threats given to him by his own family. Just before he came of age he had to leave his hometown in fear of being put on a witch trial. He is currently travelling and at times joining random groups when he needs to collect supplies to continue his practice of alchemy. To earn money, he constantly sells potions and equipment imbued with magic. His prized possession is his book where he writes his formulas and discoveries.


Rosaire has a usually stoic and unfriendly face, and is quite avoidant of people. He only joins groups out of necessity and safety when travelling. He would usually ask people to only talk to him if absolutely necessary, and says he will cooperate as long as the group doesn't pose any harm or poor judgment. Despite his unwelcoming demeanor, he is actually kind and finds comfort being near other people rather than being alone. Despite his yearning for companionship, he is afraid of attaching to someone who may hurt him in the future.


  • Alchemy paraphernalia
  • Historical antiques & treasures
  • Pastilles
  • Knowledge
  • Books

  • Being called a satanist
  • Discrimination
  • Humanity's hubris
  • Being asked to do a love potion
  • Frustrating party members