Ruvim 'Break' Su



1 year, 11 months ago


Male, late 60s, Straight, Human and Death-skipped 

A hard to kill former veterinarian

Goes by the handle Break when working. Exclusively paired up with his coworker Breaker (Veiko) due to their complimentary magics and personalities.

Alignment: True Neutral in the Company of evil


A former veterinarian, Break got into repo work after an accident where he was mauled by a client's pet big cat. His life was unfortunately saved. The small hospital that was responsible for his treatment gave him the option of either paying an exorbitant amount each month or get a medical repossession agent license and pick up contracts for them. Break begrudgingly chose the latter. 

Break disliked medical repo work. The actual act of repossession didn't phase him much, but it certainly was a field of work meant for the young and well-equipped. Desperate to not fall behind on his payments, he approached a disgraced medical resident by the name of Veiko and asked to team up. The two made a pretty good pair and wound up deciding to stick together. A few months in to their partnership, the two were struck by an out of control car and were killed. It was a random accident. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for everyone else, the absolutely broken reality of the world skipped their deaths and gave them magic instead. This wasn't an unheard of occurrence, but what was unusual about it is the two got actually useful powers. The two literally scraped themselves off the pavement and ran off before the cops showed up.

The two were picked up later that day by representatives from the top cybernetics company. The two were told in a very kind manner that they can either work for the cybernetics company exclusively as repo agents or consider themselves well and truly fucked. The two agreed to work for them. The duo's previous debts were paid for in full by their new employer and were given a sizeable salary. Because of the two's powers they cannot be microchipped so the company has to be, on at least some level, nice to them to make sure they don't run away. Break and Breaker mainly work as medical repo agents for the cybernetics company and the other medical facilities that are also owned by the same group. The two do occasionally take on other tasks such as "external downsizing" and "talent deacquisition"

Break's magic is simple, he is just hard to kill. His regeneration starts out pretty instantaneous, but slows down if there is little time between injuries. Outside of being completely vaporized, he'll come back from just about anything if given enough time. Breaker uses Break as a way to start gaining momentum to his blood magic. It doesn't matter if Break gets hurt, he'll get better fast. 

Thinks Breaker was okay enough at first, but the young man does eventually grow on him.  Break usually finds the man's extreme temper to either be amusing or annoying depending on the situation and what is getting him mad. Break thinks is kinda funny how deeply Breaker seems to care about the most insignificant things. Break knows that he wouldn't be able to do the repo job without Breaker. Breaker is almost 100% of the teams brawn and can have have his moments of strategical brilliance if his anger doesn't get in the way.
Veiko is one of the few people that Break actually likes.

On paper, Breaker is the smart of the two. In actuality, Break is the brains of their operation. Breaker's hair-trigger temper causes him to be to lose control of his actions so Break is often responsible for making all the plans. 

Break is largely apathetic towards people. He doesn't think others should be hurt, but frankly doesn't care if they are. Suffering is just a fact of life.

Break is a man of few passions or interests. The only thing he has passion for is animals. Animal care. Animal husbandry. Stupid little useless fun facts about animals. It's his one passion in life and the whole reason he became a vet. Break doesn't talk about his passion much and, at best, will mention it in passing.

Would LOVE to go back to working as a vet, but his repo job keeps him too busy to do so. He's devastated about that fact. Can't really keep any pets either as he feels uncomfortable having somebody else look after them for him. Break sometimes works for weeks straight, so there is a lot that can go wrong while he's away.

Dresses plainly and is normally a few decades out of fashion. When he dresses in fashion it is usually because of Breaker. Wears a lot of dark colours. Had dark brown hair when he was younger.

Personality Rough Draft

Break is an even-tempered man with few interests or passions. He often comes off as a boring individual who is completely uninterested in anyone else's life. This is true to an extent. Break has never felt strongly towards anyone and is largely apathetic towards people as a whole. Though, he still likes some more than others. It's just that when he says he doesn't care, he well and truly means it. People's opinions hold little sway over his actions. Break does what he wants as he pleases and feels no need for outside validation. Unless given a very convincing argument, Break will only change if he feels like it is a necessity to his survival. There is a comfort in routine and he is not about to change his habits just because someone asked him to.

He believes that life is completely unfair. Some people are born lucky, others are born overwhelmingly screwed from the get go. Cleverness and money help, but even that can't save someone in the end. Bad things happen. People suffer. People die. That's just how life is.

Break puts his well being before others. Everything has a right to live and Break certainly doesn't want to die. He views himself just as valuable as anyone else so he thinks there is no reason to be a sacrifice. He has fought to stay alive and is not going to simply lay down his life for another. Break by all means is not an inherently 'bad' person. However his actions are heavily influenced by the situation he is in.