Alice (References)



Art Reference Info
Personality / Posing
  • Alice is inspired by Alice in wonderland. She has a stubborn, curious, bookish kind of personality.
  • She's a singer and dancer for Cirque du Merveille. She primarily sang before the Cirque and is primarily a dancer for the Cirque.
  • She's treated as the surrogate mom for the group, like Wendy in Peter pan vibes.
  • She'll "dust off" her dresses as a nervous habit.
  • Not fond of / mildly afraid of animals. Not so great at a circus.
* Some images have additional clarifying info
Design Notes
  • She's appears to be in her 30s, but a 30 year old with very well maintained skin.
  • light Blue eyes, and blonde, exact shade not important
  • Her ears are robotic / mechanical and are meant to loosely resemble a bow with the way they are placed.
  • Her tail is a black wolf's tail.
  • She has a number of different dance gowns, mostly with a "dark ballerina" vibe to them.
  • The patterns on her legs and face glow - the patterns can be scribbled, and don't have to be exact.