


2 years, 4 months ago


Bluebarker is a vagabond. When he was younger, he got separated from his family, who are a moving caravan, because of a huge bandit raid or something, and now he lives his life just always moving and never staying too long in towns or cities. As he travels he dances and tap-dances and decides he absolutely loves it and so he jigs all the way, practicing and having fun on the road. He's great at it, but not perfect. One town, he finds a studio that does tutors for tap-dancing so he went for it, he worked to get the money to pay for the tutorial and now he's best in the class. So good, he got offered into a contract that made him a famous performer. A few days go by, he's rich and famous but he does not like, it he wants to be on the road again and dance for his fun, so his manager lets him go and breaks his contract and he leaves. On the road again, nothing on his back, he's happy. Eventually he stops at another town and here he meets Lemonsquare and she turns out to be a big fan of him and his dancing. Decides to follow him, packs her bags and off she goes. He's not entirely ecstatic at first, he think she just slows her down and he's not used on one-on-one travelling, but soon after dancing and songs he does warm up to her eventually. They come to another town to stay in for the night, Lemon has friends there and she goes about the town, catching up with them. As Blue was about to leave a hit the road again, she begs to stay a little longer and he uncertainly agrees. They stay for a few more days. But eventually they leave again. Not long after they left they were attacked, by bandits. She got wounded on her leg. He brought her back to the same town. She stays at a hospital, she lets him go on without her because she knows how much he wants to be on the road again and she'll stay with her friends. They exchange a goodbye and he leaves, slightly forlorn

I had a whole Physics class to think about this and Gypsy Bard was replaying in my head

And now I'm attached to these characters even if I don't watch MLP at all. It just happened

He has no cutie mark, not that that's important. And he wears bronze horseshoes for more of that hoof clopping.